Engineering Programs (please Develop!)
Posted 06 November 2005 - 11:21 PM
now i start this topic make a engineering programming team for AFX CFX and FX calcs series. this calcs needs a engineering progs background
i recent bought a cable, and developed some progs, The structure solver and unit converter are fully developed and coded, only remains a upload to file to filesharing, i think that are a very useful progs for mechanics and thermodynamics. now , i?m making a thermodynamics equation library and stress analyzer for afx (as VIGA CAS for classpad)
next packs:
.- a Differential equation solver (all Runge kutta?s + euler?s method, for initial value problem) will be ended the next week
.- vectorial operations subroutine (useful on mech progs,uses list 1 and list 2) with: crossp(),dotp(),norm(),angle(),unitv(),espherical, cylindrycal and rectangular coordinates
.-FASTGETKEY subroutine, is a useful getkey imlementation NO MORE ENTER TO SELECT!!! and you can use F1' /> to F6' /> keys to display useful menus on graph window, as the calculator does.
.- Structure solver 1.0 (only for isostatic problems),uses matrix resources and i have two versions,you choose the best
.- Fast Unit Converter +6 one touch shorcuts for your favorite units,you could configure this one touch menu in a code out of the main program
i need some help on this topics:
>>please post the units you want to see here, and i will configure this on my converter
>>post your ideas, some people could develop this progs, i included
>>develop a equation library is a laaarge job!, we must divide it into small parts
i will start this equation library now with 5 equations of thermodynamics:
1.-quality of a vapor liquid mixture as a function of enthalpy,internal energy,and specific volume
2.-ideal gas equation of state Pv=RT and PV=mRT
3.-first law of thermodynamics (steady state, steady flow) with all therms concerned to the variations of energy on a flowing fluid
Posted 14 November 2005 - 12:11 AM
this is a beta version ,test this, and send to me all bugs an suggestions
.- on the main window you would choose between 3 options:
F1' /> MAIN IMPUT : here you would imput nodes and links (bars) of the structure, you may imput on list format ({*,*,*,*,*,}
this menu have 3 submenus:
1-nodes ->put number of nodes, and every node on rectangular or polar coordinates
you would correct your imput on a mistake, selecting the options at end of every iteration.
the options 2' /> and change the imput type for the next iteration, or change the imput type in this iteration (in example: you commit an error putting data on polar coordinates , and want to correct them on rectangular) nodes are stored on Mat N with a dimension of 2xn n=# of nodes
2-links -> put the number of total internal links (bars) that exist on the structure, then put on list format the node start and node end of the bar number of bar currently on screen, the order of the nodes not have importance {node start,node end}={node end, node start} links are stored on Mat L with a dimension of 2xL L=# of links
F2' /> Data Matrix: here you would put the nodes and links matrix of any structure that you saved on the past
F3' /> DATA ON MEMORY: the program go to solver directly, using the data existing on memory (MAT N and MAT L only)
now you see on screen "BUIDING EQUATION SYSTEM", "BUILDING FORCE VECTORS", and the structure appears on screen, and F1' />,F2' />,F3' /> buttons appear, with the flags "SOLV","RCT","FEXT"
pressing SOLV, you solve the structure and external ractions on support
example: articulation on node 3-> {0,1,3} (reaction on Y axis), next, {1,0,3} (reaction on X axis),
remember this: every reaction is a misseing value on the solver matrix
pressing FEXT you may put:
First: the nodes that have a external force on list format
Second: every force on every node displayed on screen in iterative procedure
GO ERROR: i forgot to include the "creedits subroutine" erase the first line on code that says
Syntax ERROR: on Data matrix imput (on code, U=20, search with the tool src!), an is missed
before the IfEnd of this if U=20
Posted 14 November 2005 - 08:04 AM
Posted 16 November 2005 - 08:43 PM
.-Structure Solver Updated, the known bugs are totally solved: i will update it on a few minutes
.-Vector Subroutine and Unit Converter, totally coded, i will upload now
.-Differential Equation, remains the boundary problems with shooting and finite diferences method, too heavy code.....wait a bit Andy
Posted 20 December 2005 - 11:31 PM
.-Structure Solver 3.0 major update: the best version of this prog, Totally remaked!
-added zoom and trace option
-improved imput system
-now plots the external supports and external forces
-less memory usage than 2.0
-all the data is stored on Mat N and Mat l
-axes on/of on real time!
Now in testing, i will upload it this week with an old bills: Vector subroutine (finished), Runge Kutta 4 and
center of mass
enjoy the pics:
Beam Analizer: 75% coded, i?m performing "cold runnings" of this prog
.-plots the beam
.-imput distributed loads and puntual loads and moments
.-2 types of external supports
.-moment, cut force and axial force piecewise diagrams!, with the respective equations
enjoy BETA 1.00 pics
a simple beam:
their moment graph:
more options, loads, forces and moments:
Thanks to all
Posted 22 December 2005 - 06:35 PM
Posted 22 December 2005 - 11:27 PM
Posted 24 December 2005 - 03:56 PM
Posted 28 December 2005 - 12:15 AM
Posted 28 December 2005 - 11:25 PM
then, a toolbar appears at the bottom of screen (have six buttons, F1' /> to F6' />) . you must press on the first one: "disp" to view the structure on stat mode, you can displace along the nodes and check your coordinates as a stat graph.
pressing exe, the calc draws the links, reactions, and forces..if the calc does not displays rows (forces), or little dtraws as the letter T (are the reactions on the external links or supports), you hav?nt forces or reactions
.-forces imput: press "FEXT" and a dialog appears, you must enter the number of each node that have external forces using list format {1,2,7,8...... press EXE' />, then the calc answer you about forces on X and Y on that node, use list format {forces on x,forces on y
.-reactions imput: press "RCT" and other dialog appears, on list format, and using unitary vectors you can imput your reactions based on their direction and the node.. a few examples:
you have a rod on the floor, at node 5...the rod only can react on the Y axis, not on X, then you imput this reactions: {0,1,5 ---> {0 on X reactions, 1 on Y reactions, node 5
note that the bottom of screen displays the reaction number, and the maximum number of them that you can imput
if you have an articulation...that have two reactions Rx and Ry, you must enter every reaction SEPARATELY,
an example: articulation on node 7: {1,0,7 implies---> {reaction on X, no reaction on Y, node 7 and in the next iteration: {0,1,7 {no reaction on X, reaction on Y, node 7 .. you have an articulation imput
if you have an inclined rod , the reaction of the rod follows the normal line of the surface when the rod is theory, and you know the direction of your reaction , put the direction using SIN and COS , example: you have a rod on the node 3, supported on a surface that have 45 degs respect the possitive X axis, then your normal are an unit vector, perpendicular at the surface. the reaction have the unit vector : {COS 135, SIN 45, 3
the program imput reactions on this strange way, because you can imput ANY external support, not only rods and articulations, using their unit director vectors, and using the reactions as independent things
the icons with "T" shape, are the reactions, the perpendicular line that touch the node provide the direction that you supposed to the reaction: normal "T": reaction on negative Y axis... inverted "T":Reaction on the possitive Y axis...and so on
now. your imput is finished, press exe (from forces or links sub directory) return to the main screen and view the forces and reactions. Press "SOLV", the calc solve, and:
LIST 1: forces on every link: + implies tension, - implies compression
LIST 2: reactions, on the order of your imput: + implies that you supposed the correct direction, - implies that you`re wrong, the actual direction are opposite that you supposed
thats all folks! more problems post here
PD: Thx for the 9860 emul!!!
Posted 29 December 2005 - 05:59 AM
Another error is when i try to solve the whole thing after i put the external forces and reactions (all +ve), "Ma Error", and it stands on this line "(Mat S)^-1xMat F".
here're my inputs exactly ...
Option 1
2 Nodes
Option 2 (Rec)
Option 2 (links)
1 Link
EXE (Solver)
F5 [Disp (ERROR: Range Error)]
if i skip the Disp part and press F1 to Solve i get the "Ma Error"
thanks again for your help and support
Posted 29 December 2005 - 10:57 PM
but i got 2 errors, when i pressed on Disp, i get "Range Error", i have input "0,0" for the first node and "0,5" for the second node, i put 1 link, and input "1,2" for it, then i press Disp, but it gives me this error "Range Error", when i press Exit it stands on this line "Then DrawStat.".
This is a bug sponsored by casio .(thanks a lot ).On STAT mode, you can?t graph an horizontal line, unbelievable, but true.. try to do a linear regression on your calc, using a horizontal will see a RANGE ERROR.
on the other hand..why one link??, you can?t put loads on the inner link, only on nodes...wait a bit for Beam Analizer (80% coded )
Another error is when i try to solve the whole thing after i put the external forces and reactions (all +ve), "Ma Error", and it stands on this line "(Mat S)^-1xMat F".
The Mat S determinant is zero, then you cant get the inverse.. why is zero?, probably you have a row of zeros (bad reactions imput), on this case (only one bar) you have 2 nodes, then your mat S must be 4x4 dimentioned. 3 reactions + 1 internal force...STR SOLV can solve this, but can?t graph (Thanks again casio!!! ). if you really need to solve this problem....wait for the shine Ma error, exit the prog, and do (Mat S)^-1xMat F on main...
other Ma error: You put Two nodes on the same coordinate, be carefully....see the nodes (Mat N, or use the toolbar key "DATA"), remember on mat N : columns -> Nodes....and mat L -> columns -> Links
row 1 -> X coordinate
row 2 -> Y coordinate
row 3 -> X forces
row 4 -> Y forces
and mat L: first row: initial node,second row: final node
Mat S: dimention: 2*# of nodes x 2*# of nodes
columns: links. the last ones are the external links
row 1: sum of forces on x, node 1
row 2: sum of forces on Y, node 1
row 3: sum of forces on x, node 2
row 4: sum of forces on Y, node 2...this is the sequence.. remember it!
thats all folks!
Posted 29 December 2005 - 11:13 PM
man, now i love TI, same delima with Intel vs AMD, nVidia vs ATi, <{GNULINUX}> vs Windows ... etc.
Posted 29 December 2005 - 11:34 PM
Classpad have a new deal CPLua, a new toy for programmers that seems to be a luxury!
Yoy can translate a CASIO basic code on TI basic, without problems.. I will translate some code to TI 89 Titanium.. is very easy, an affordable, because TI basic is faster than Casio Basic
Posted 30 December 2005 - 04:08 AM
Posted 30 December 2005 - 08:13 AM
Posted 30 December 2005 - 02:18 PM
Posted 30 December 2005 - 06:12 PM
yes, but ClassPad isn't allowed here, that's the problem, and i trust TI more now , my dad already had one since 1978The Classpad should be cheaper and equally powerfull (isn't it?)
@Taco, where did u get this discount?
Posted 31 December 2005 - 07:27 AM
Make absolutely sure that it really IS allowed. Not that you end up with an unusable calc because you're not allowed to use CAS!!!
Posted 31 December 2005 - 12:26 PM
Posted 31 December 2005 - 02:02 PM
#23 Guest_Magno_*
Posted 06 February 2008 - 12:49 PM
I've got a question for afx Master
Where i can find the thermodynamics equation library you re talking about, please?
I study civil enginnering in Italy. I ve created some usefull programs to solve some problems of hydraulic constructions.
If you want i can post them.
thanks again
#24 Guest_Magno_*
Posted 06 February 2008 - 03:05 PM
And what i ve got to do to del an add-inn program?
thanks again
Posted 14 March 2008 - 04:06 PM
I've registered myself in this post as a last effort to not to sell my AFX and buy a Ti voyage 200! I hope anyone can help me with this! I am a civil engineering student and almost all my colleagues owe a Ti voyage, well they have programs that solves most of the exercises almost step by step!
I'd like to know if anyine has some structural programs, for concrete and beams, any hydraulics software, roads... or if any of yiu think that the best way is to move to another option...
I like very much my AFX but i'm a worker and student (by night) and my programming experience tells me I'll probably take the entire year to code some cool featured program...
Help would be kindly appreciated!
Posted 09 June 2008 - 01:47 PM
I've developed some programs for N2, O2, CO2....etc to determine their entalpy by his Cp integrated between two temperatures (this is veeeery useful in combustions) so if anyone wants them just post it (however they are in spanish but there is no problem to understand them...)
I think that it could be really useful to introduce all the H2O(v) in saturated conditions (for example form Perry's or Moran and Shaphiro) and develop a program that gives u the values of H, U, v, P, S all for saturated vapor and saturated liquid interpolating in the table.
By the way, i cant find the links to the units converter and more programs that The_AFX_Master has developed...anyone knows where they are?? I need with urgency an units converter for my AFX 2.0+
Posted 10 June 2008 - 12:25 AM
They are BASIC progs written for the AFX, so you can use them.
Also, if you got any programs, please be happy to share them.
Posted 10 June 2008 - 08:00 PM
The program i was talking about its the units conversor that The_AFX_Master said he had developed and upload but i cand find it anywhere xD
thanks for the quickly reply kucalc
Posted 10 June 2008 - 11:22 PM
No, problem. Answering questions and helping others is my first priority here in the forums. I answer questions as quickly as possible just like a calculator.thanks for the quickly reply kucalc
Posted 11 June 2008 - 12:48 PM
By the way, i have contact with someone who could compile a good unit converter like i post in the development forum xD both options are great
#31 Guest_Guest_TheCrown_*_*
Posted 05 March 2009 - 01:59 PM
Posted 07 March 2009 - 08:05 AM
#33 Guest_Guest_Diego_*_*
Posted 20 October 2009 - 04:53 AM
well I have a littel problem with the files i download in this link, which belongs to this site (http://www.casiocalc...s.maths#totitle) I need to use, the program named as Structure Solver, but the problem is that I dont have the FA-123UBS cable and where I live is being really hard the search of it. The file type is "Security Catalog (.CAT)" there must be a way to open it or even someone send me the programing code by a .txt file so I can program it manual. Thanks for all your time spent and sorry about the misspells. Hope you answer me soon
Posted 20 October 2009 - 02:14 PM
Programa FA-123 USB Website CASIOHi there,
well I have a littel problem with the files i download in this link, which belongs to this site (http://www.casiocalc...s.maths#totitle) I need to use, the program named as Structure Solver, but the problem is that I dont have the FA-123UBS cable and where I live is being really hard the search of it. The file type is "Security Catalog (.CAT)" there must be a way to open it or even someone send me the programing code by a .txt file so I can program it manual. Thanks for all your time spent and sorry about the misspells. Hope you answer me soon
E-mail address: betho.casio AT
Password: 72489039
Cable SB-87 Foro calculadoras
#35 Guest_Guest_Diego_*_*
Posted 21 October 2009 - 03:06 AM
Programa FA-123 USB Website CASIO
E-mail address: betho.casio AT
Password: 72489039
Cable SB-87 Foro calculadoras
Thank you for your time, but CAN'T buy the cable beacouse I live out of US and it really expensive for just a program, could anybody tell me if there is any way to open a .CAT document and program it manualy or even transport that type of file into a .txt file type.
Gualberto I'll email you soon.
Posted 21 October 2009 - 05:20 AM
*.CAT files can be viewed with the FA-123 programThank you for your time, but CAN'T buy the cable beacouse I live out of US and it really expensive for just a program, could anybody tell me if there is any way to open a .CAT document and program it manualy or even transport that type of file into a .txt file type.
Gualberto I'll email you soon.
#37 Guest_Guest_Diego_*_*
Posted 21 October 2009 - 05:53 AM
That's what im trying to do.. I used FA122 and FA124 but neither open the .cat file of structures i already said above. Whenever i try to open the file a message box apper with an ERROR "parse error in line 8"... what i should do?*.CAT files can be viewed with the FA-123 program
#38 Guest_Guest_Diego_*_*
Posted 21 October 2009 - 07:43 AM
I could open the file, but what does 'RclPict 5' means in programing?That's what im trying to do.. I used FA122 and FA124 but neither open the .cat file of structures i already said above. Whenever i try to open the file a message box apper with an ERROR "parse error in line 8"... what i should do?
this is the first lines of the program
Filename:0-STRCAS [u][b]Norm 1 S-WindAuto BG-None 'RclPict 5' 'Prog "FASTGKEY"' Cls[/b][/u] 0->H:0->U:1->G Lbl 1 ClrText Deg "STRUCTURE SOLVER 1.00" "F1:MAIN IMPUT" "F2:DATA MATRIX" "F3:DATA ON MEMORY"can i delet what is in blod and underlined? if i programe any program manually is there a way to upload the imeges? or can i just deleat them?
Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:16 AM
Structure solver 3.00 is not enough for my isse.people..i?m trying to solve the pics problem.....for the moment download Structure solver 3.00 HERE
Life is getting better!
Barcode reader
Posted 12 February 2020 - 07:20 PM
Hi there, guys, and greetings from Chile!!! I'm a mechanical engineer, and I'm also a bit of a musician as well... I love programming too, specially when it comes to graphic-programmable calculators... any suggestions or ideas for engineering programs?
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