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Draw A Graph From A Complex Function

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#1 lalong



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Posted 14 November 2005 - 09:36 PM

Good evening!

I stuck on a problem with my CP300plus:

Is there any possibilty to draw a complex graph from a function like:

z= 1+3*i

or a function like z(t)=z^2+z+4-4*i with (3-i*2)->z

The problem is the renaming of the axis; the horizontal should be the "real" part, the vertical should be "i", the "imaginary" part.

Any ideas?

#2 lalong



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Posted 15 November 2005 - 07:00 AM

maybe just a idea:

what about a small self written program, which changes the axisis of the 2d-drawing graph window to a imaginary y-axis and a real-part x-axis. Anyone want?s to join a dev team, in case if there is no implemented solution?

#3 PAP


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Posted 15 November 2005 - 09:20 AM

Is there any possibilty to draw a complex graph from a function like:
z= 1+3*i

Hmmm, this is a point in the complex plane. Plot it using the "Graph&Table" application: use parametric form, and set xt=re(1+3*i),yt=im(1+3*i)

or a function like z(t)=z^2+z+4-4*i with (3-i*2)->z

I'm not sure I understand; there is no parameter t in your "function" z(t). Assuming that you mean z(t)=t^2+t+4-t*i, just plot the parametric equations xt=re(t^2+t+4-t*i), yt=im(t^2+t+4-t*i).

You can also use 3D plots: For example plot re(ln(x+y*i)) to see a nice 3D graph of the real part of ln(z).

what about a small self written program, which changes the axisis of the 2d-drawing graph window to a imaginary y-axis and a real-part x-axis. Anyone want?s to join a dev team, in case if there is no implemented solution?

Yes, you can write a rather simple basic program to simplify complex functions plotting. But are you sure we need to set up a "developer team" for this?

#4 R00KIE


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Posted 21 November 2005 - 08:06 PM

I think that what you want is called domain coloring, if it is i've done it for pc, but to do it in a calculator you would need a lot more colors that calculators can display

#5 lalong



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Posted 22 November 2005 - 01:59 PM

I think that what you want is called domain coloring, if it is i've done it for pc, but to do it in a calculator you would need a lot more colors that calculators can display

sorry, i was looking for a function to draw a graph from something like z(t)=z^4, where z is a complex function; this should be something like a circle

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