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Problem With Matrix ?

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#1 samir1



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 11:38 AM

Hi , I a wrote a basic program searching a matrix ( with 100X10 dimension ) for a specific value , and I found that it takes a lot of time to do that , also I make a loop to print the cells continuously and it takes many seconds for each value . Anybody can help me in that , Thanks.

#2 Kilburn


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:52 PM

Hi , I a wrote a basic program searching a matrix ( with 100X10 dimension ) for a specific value , and I found that it takes a lot of time to do that , also I make a loop to print the cells continuously and it takes many seconds for each value . Anybody can help me in that , Thanks.

First, we need the source code. :greengrin:

#3 Lovecasio


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Posted 10 December 2005 - 02:22 AM

ClassPad has some problems with matrix, especially large one. Your 100*10 matrix may make the ClassPad get upset :lol2: so it will be slow (sometime very slow)
There are some topics about this problem in this forum. You can read for more detail. I believe that they have solved many matrix problems in new OS.

#4 MicroPro


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Posted 19 December 2005 - 12:22 PM

Hi , I a wrote a basic program...

I have two suggestions:
1. Basic Programs are the slowest things of the ClassPad! I suggest you to go to "www.CPSDK.com" and register there, and then download the SDK and make an add-in (Of course if you know C++ programming).
( :!: Note: If you are a registered member of www.classpad.org (Not classpad.net), you don't need to register again at CPSDK.com, you can use your ClassPad.org's username and password).

2. If you don't know programming in C++, or anyway if you don't have time to get CPSDK, go to www.ClassPad.org, and download an add-in program named "My Programs". Run your basic program from there and see whether your problem solved or not. Don't forget to E-Mail me and tell me the result (Of course if you liked --> CPMicroPro<At>yahoo.com )!

#5 Guest_Guest_samir1_*_*

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 03:05 PM

Thank you . I try " My programs" and it didn't work . I download the update of OS 2.2 and my CP version is 1.24 and I don't know if I can upgrade to this version .

#6 Kilburn


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Posted 20 December 2005 - 02:30 PM

No, MyPrograms doesn't make the program run faster, it's just a desktop with shortcuts to run you "favorite programs".

I you don't know C++, you can try CPLua, which is downloadable on this forum. Lua is a simple programming language but is much faster than "rotten" Basic.

#7 MicroPro


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 01:06 PM

If you don't know C++, you can try CPLua, which is downloadable on this forum. Lua is a simple programming language but is much faster than "rotten" Basic.

Yes, Yes, I forgot to name Lua in a third suggestion. I tried it and I can even say that Lua is better than the SDK!
And about the last sentence of my last post, "This is a forum here, so the results should be given together with the question and the answers, not only on individual emails. Perhaps there will be some other persons who will have the same questions and who will be glad to see here if the solutions you proposed were good or not..."...(Maybe some people understand what it was! ;) )

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