Classpad300 = Casio Pocket Viewer!
Posted 29 December 2005 - 06:27 PM
PV1600 Functions:
Screen commands:(*)
LibLine, LibMeshLine, LibLineClr, LibLineCplmnt, LibDotOn, LibDotOff,
LibPutProFont, LibGetProFontSize, LibPutProStr, LibGetProStrSize,
LibPut35Font, LibPut35Str, LibReverse, LibMesh, LibBox, LibPutGraph,
LibPutGraphM, LibPutGraphO, LibPutFarData, LibGetGraph, LibGrpUp,
LibGrpDwn, LibPutDisp, LibPutDispBox, LibClrDisp, LibClrBox,
LibSetDispMode, LibInitDisp, LibSKeyRevSub, LibGdsBox, LibGdsBoxMesh,
LibGdsBoxClr, LibGdsBoxCmp, LibGdsClr, LibGdsReverse, LibGdsMesh,
LibGdsDotOn, LibGdsDotOff, LibGdsDotCmp, LibGdsLine, LibGdsLineClr,
LibGdsLineMesh, LibGdsLineCmp, LibPutBoxSub, LibCngeBoxSub,
LibPutDotSub, LibPutLineSub, LibGrphUpSideDown, LibStringDsp
(*) Based in the PV1600SDK manual : LIB_Func_Man.pdf, (http://world.casio.c.../sdk/s1600.html).
All this commands works correctly with classpad 300.
La classpad esta dise?ado sobre la arquitectura de la Pocket Viewer 1600 de la CASIO .
Funciones para manipular la pantalla(*)
LibLine, LibMeshLine, LibLineClr, LibLineCplmnt, LibDotOn, LibDotOff,
LibPutProFont, LibGetProFontSize, LibPutProStr, LibGetProStrSize,
LibPut35Font, LibPut35Str, LibReverse, LibMesh, LibBox, LibPutGraph,
LibPutGraphM, LibPutGraphO, LibPutFarData, LibGetGraph, LibGrpUp,
LibGrpDwn, LibPutDisp, LibPutDispBox, LibClrDisp, LibClrBox,
LibSetDispMode, LibInitDisp, LibSKeyRevSub, LibGdsBox, LibGdsBoxMesh,
LibGdsBoxClr, LibGdsBoxCmp, LibGdsClr, LibGdsReverse, LibGdsMesh,
LibGdsDotOn, LibGdsDotOff, LibGdsDotCmp, LibGdsLine, LibGdsLineClr,
LibGdsLineMesh, LibGdsLineCmp, LibPutBoxSub, LibCngeBoxSub,
LibPutDotSub, LibPutLineSub, LibGrphUpSideDown, LibStringDsp
(*) extraido del manual LIB_Func_Man.pdf, del PV1600SDK (http://world.casio.c.../sdk/s1600.html).
Todas estas funciones trabajan correctamente en la classpad 300.
Posted 29 December 2005 - 08:57 PM
Unfortunately, some of those function won't work on the ClassPad
Posted 29 December 2005 - 09:02 PM
Un saludo
Posted 29 December 2005 - 11:05 PM
Lo he instalado pero me sale este mensaje y no puedo seguir: C:/WINDOWS/system32/VB6STKIT.DLL "The destination file is write protected"
Un saludo
I?ve installed, but i see this message, and i can?t forward
C:/WINDOWS/system32/VB6STKIT.DLL "The destination file is write protected"
Posted 30 December 2005 - 12:38 AM
ejemplo :
//Calls the Calculator of the pop-up tool.
extern "c"
void LibCalWin(byte tch_btn);
luego lo utilizamos:
byte a;
Posted 30 December 2005 - 01:56 AM
Este pdf contiene la descripcion (parametros y retorno) de las funciones de la PV1600#7
Posted 30 December 2005 - 08:38 AM
And again, some of those functions do not work correctly on the CP
Posted 30 December 2005 - 01:45 PM
Sorry, but you should notice that always there are newbies in the forumWe already knew that...
And, how did you know? From this forum? or everyone knew for him/herself? I searched in the forum and I couldn't find a thing relating to this subject, did I miss something?
Posted 30 December 2005 - 02:02 PM
Pero existen otras personas interesadas en la classpad que no conocen estas caracteristicas de la classpad.
Personalmente estoy muy entusiasmado en conocer mas a fondo estas funciones .
Acabo de registrarme ayer al foro, pero ya navegaba en el foro desde que obtuve mi classpad, (20 de junio del 2004), y no me considero un nobato . Solo quiero compartir con el foro lo que encontre, sin esconder ni ocultar lo que yo conozco sobre la classpad.
Posted 31 December 2005 - 03:49 AM
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