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?c?mo Se Pueden Capturar Pantallas De La Classpad De Mano?

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#1 abelmartin



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Posted 05 January 2006 - 09:52 PM

La pregunta ya lo dice todo; Hay Add-in y otras cosas que no se pueden trabajar con la Classpad manager y por lo tanto no se pueden capturar pantallas para colocarlas en internet o en apuntes.
Un saludo

I need to do some screen captures from programs that we cant manage with the PC classpad manager. I need it for put them on internet or notes.


#2 2072


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 06:11 PM

you ask the very same question (in english) almost one year ago: http://www.casiocalc...?showtopic=2013 :)

Using the Gigablast search feature and the keywords "Classpad screen capture", I also found this topic: http://www.casiocalc...?showtopic=2289

#3 MicroPro


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Posted 20 January 2006 - 11:50 AM

I need to do some screen captures from programs that we cant manage with the PC classpad manager. I need it for put them on internet or notes.

Hi! Good Question!
Two ways:
1. The Easy Way: You can simulate their screen by programs such as Microsoft Paint.
2. If someone is reading this: Anybody here knows CPA specification? If somebody knows the structure of .CPA files, s/he can write an emulator of ClassPad that is able to execute the .CPA files.

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