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Casio Fx-9860g Au Auto Rounds

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#1 sypher



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 12:12 PM

if you type in .999 is automatically rounds to 1, and if you put .111 it goes to 0, is there any way to change this?


#2 LordNPS


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Posted 18 February 2006 - 12:19 AM

I have the Fx 9860 SD, and it doesn't auto round, if I type 0.999, the output is 0.999 not 1, I believe your problem lies in your unit Configuration, In your setup, in display, what do you have? it should be Norm 1 , withou ant "/E" in front.

#3 Overlord


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Posted 18 February 2006 - 10:15 AM

I suspect the display is set to Fix0 (rounding to a fixed number (zero) of decimals), just reset it to Norm2 (or Norm1 if you prefer)

The display types are the following :
FixN : always rounding the display to N decimals. Fix0 is rounding to the nearest integer (0 decimals)
SciN : always format the display in the scientific notation (X * 10^Y or XeY), with N decimals. Sci0 is in fact Sci10 (10 decimals)
Norm1, Norm2 : normal display, except for small numbers : below 0.001, in Norm1, the display switches to scientific form (1e-3) ; with Norm2, the switch limit is the standard 1e-10 (as the calc only display 9 decimals
Eng : engineering display : using unit prefix symbols (kilo, mega, giga, ..., milli, micro, ...) in place of 10's powers 10^Y

so 0.000001 will display :

1e-6 in Norm1 (because it's < 1e-3)
0.000001 in Norm2
0.00 in Fix2 (rounding at 2 decimals)
1.000 e-6 in Sci3 (scientific, with 3 decimals)
1? in Eng mode

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