tooday in history I made this program because I was lazy to listen the teacher (I'm pretty good at History and the teacher gave me his approbation )
It's just a function which allow you to display (in graphic mode) interuption (like windows allerts)
The last section of the program is destinated to test it so if you want use a 'require' please remove it (as the requires on top)
They are fully usables with stylet (you can even move them on the screen)
require("draw") showgraph() keypad (0) fullscreen(0) draw.onbuffer(1) tch = {} -- Tchernoben's functions -- ( pos_x, pos_y, width, height, s_title, s_body, args ) -- types of arguments : -- pos_x, pos_y, width, height : unsigned integers ( pos_x, pos_y are the coordinates of the left-top corer ) -- s_title, s_body : strings -- args : integers {1,2,3} (1="ok", 2="Y/N", 3="Y/N + cancel") -- EVERY ARGUMENTS MUST BE SET WHEN THE FUNCTION IS CALLED = function ( pos_x, pos_y, width, height, s_title, s_body, args ) repeat pen_x,pen_y = getpen() if pen_x ~= nil then if pen_x >= pos_x and pen_x <= pos_x + width and pen_y >= pos_y and pen_y <= pos_y +15 then draw.rect ( pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + width+1, pos_y + height+1, 0,0,0 ) pos_x, pos_y = pen_x - 0.5*width, pen_y - 7 end end draw.rect ( pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + width, pos_y + height, 1,1,0 ) draw.text ( pos_x +5, pos_y +2, s_title, 1,9,2 ) draw.line ( pos_x, pos_y +13, pos_x + width, pos_y +13 ) draw.text ( pos_x +5, pos_y +15, s_body, 1,9,0 ) draw.line ( pos_x +width+1, pos_y +1, pos_x +width+1, pos_y +height+1 ) draw.line ( pos_x +1, pos_y +height+1, pos_x +width+1, pos_y +height+1 ) if type(args) == "number" then if args == 1 then draw.rect ( pos_x+0.5*width-15, pos_y + 29, pos_x+0.5*width+15, pos_y + 41 ) draw.text ( pos_x+0.5*width-5, pos_y + 31, "OK", 1,9,0 ) if pen_x ~= nil then if pen_x >= pos_x+0.5*width-15 and pen_x <= pos_x+0.5*width+15 and pen_y >= pos_y +29 and pen_y <= pos_y +41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x+0.5*width-15, pos_y + 29, pos_x+0.5*width+15, pos_y + 41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return (0) end end end if args == 2 then draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60), pos_y + 29, pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+30, pos_y +41 ) draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+30, pos_y + 29, pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+60, pos_y +41 ) draw.text ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+7, pos_y + 31, "YES", 1,9,0 ) draw.text ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+40, pos_y + 31, "NO", 1,9,0 ) if pen_x ~= nil then if pen_x >= pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60) and pen_x <= pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+30 and pen_y >= pos_y + 29 and pen_y <= pos_y +41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60), pos_y + 29, pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+30, pos_y +41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return(1) end if pen_x >= pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+30 and pen_x <= os_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+60 and pen_y >= pos_y + 29 and pen_y <= pos_y +41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+30, pos_y + 29, pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)+(1/3)*(width-60)+60, pos_y +41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return(2) end end end if args == 3 then draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y + 41 ) draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y +41) draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y +41 ) draw.text ( pos_x + (1/3)*(width-60)-6, pos_y + 31, "YES", 1,9,0 ) draw.text ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+10, pos_y + 31, "NO", 1,9,0 ) draw.text ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+4, pos_y +31, "STOP", 1,9,0 ) if pen_x ~= nil then if pen_x >= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90) and pen_x <= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 and pen_y >= pos_y +29 and pen_y <= pos_y + 41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y + 41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return(1) end if pen_x >= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90) and pen_x <= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 and pen_y >= pos_y +29 and pen_y <= pos_y + 41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y +41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return(2) end if pen_x >= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90) and pen_x <= pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 and pen_y >= pos_y +29 and pen_y <= pos_y + 41 then repeat draw.rect ( pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90), pos_y +29, pos_x + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30 + (1/4)*(width-90)+30, pos_y +41, 1,1,1 ) draw.update() until not getpen() return(3) end end end end draw.update () until false end draw.clear () for i=1, 3 do ( 10,20,120,50, "Question","N' "..i, i ) end