Hello everybody !
I just can't resist the temptation to speak about my current project : A graphic engine which can be used to manipulate and display any kind of 3D objects !
I hope that people will be able to use it when developping some new games or 3D applications !
It's been a while now since Tchernoben and I started to work on this project and it is still in constant development.
There is a lot of work to do, and I must offer many thanks to Tchernoben for his useful help in this great project !
Here some of the basic functions of the engine :
obj = td.new_point ( x, y, z ) -- Addition of a new point to the scene with co-ordinates x, y, z. obj = td.new_cube ( x, y, z, c ) -- Creation of a cube of center {x,y,z} and of with dimensions c. obj = td.new_tetrahedron ( x, y, z, c ) -- Creation of a tetrahedron of center {x,y,z} and of with dimensions c. obj = td.new_plane ( x, y, z) -- Creation of a plane of center {x,y,z} and of with dimension c. cam = td.new_cam ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) -- Camera settings. td.translation ( obj , x, y, z ) -- Translation of an object using a vector of co-ordinates x, y and z. td.projection ( obj , p ) -- Central projection of an object. td.scale ( obj , x, y, z ) -- Scaling of an object. td.rotation_x ( obj , r ) -- Rotation of an object around the axis (X) according to an angle r. td.rotation_y ( obj , r ) -- Rotation of an object around the axis (Y) according to an angle r. td.rotation_z ( obj , r ) -- Rotation of an object around the axis (Z) according to an angle r. td.draw_object ( obj , cam, prospect ) -- Draw an object.
I awaits impatiently your remarks and suggestions!