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How Do You Delete Programs On Cp300?

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#1 denodan



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Posted 02 June 2006 - 10:42 PM

How do you delete indivdual programs from your CP300?

The manual says about how to delete add-ins which is stright forward, but not how to delete a program? This is not mentioned in the program section? To get rid of any program I have to reset the whole of the memory and this wipes out my add-ins.

Is there an easy way to delete a program? Seems it's easy to save one as it has a save icon, but no delete icon?

The useage of programs does not show up when you run the memory usage in settings. You can see the memory usage of add-ins and lanuages and can even delete the ones you want, but does not show your programs.

#2 Colombia


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Posted 03 June 2006 - 01:03 AM

You go to main, then you push Settings (left down corner), then Variable Manager. Now click on View, you will see "library" Folder. There is where usually one save a program

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