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#1 Nati



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Posted 13 June 2006 - 06:57 PM

Hola. Me gustar?a saber si alguien tiene el m?todo de runge-Kutta de 4- orden para la calsspad300. Tengo un programa pero es de una casio m?s vieja y no se como cambiarlo. Si alguien lo tiene o sabe donde puedo conseguirlo se lo agradeceria. Soy muy mala programando

#2 omegavirus


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 12:21 AM

Hola. Me gustar?a saber si alguien tiene el m?todo de runge-Kutta de 4- orden para la calsspad300. Tengo un programa pero es de una casio m?s vieja y no se como cambiarlo. Si alguien lo tiene o sabe donde puedo conseguirlo se lo agradeceria. Soy muy mala programando

Hola... Si existe y esta programado en LUA y esta dentro del paquete hecho por PAP llamado LNA (version 1.60 que acaba de salir), el metodo Rungekutta se encuentra en la seccion 4.6.1 del manual. Si tienes dudas sobre el add-in Lua o sobre LNA pues postea en el foro siguiente:


si deseas traducciones en ingles yo te puedo ayudar.. ;)

#3 PAP


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 02:09 PM

Hola... Si existe y esta programado en LUA y esta dentro del paquete hecho por PAP llamado LNA (version 1.60 que acaba de salir), el metodo Rungekutta se encuentra en la seccion 4.6.1 del manual. Si tienes dudas sobre el add-in Lua o sobre LNA pues postea en el foro siguiente:


si deseas traducciones en ingles yo te puedo ayudar.. ;)

Gracias tanto para anunciar mi biblioteca num?rica del an?lisis. (I hope it is correct, it's only a web translation, since I don't speak spanish)

#4 omegavirus


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Posted 15 June 2006 - 12:28 AM

Gracias tanto para anunciar mi biblioteca num?rica del an?lisis. (I hope it is correct, it's only a web translation, since I don't speak spanish)

:D the correct one is "Gracias por aunuciar mi bliblioteca de analisis numerico" :D

And I think that will be the solution for the request of Nati :nod:

#5 Nati



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Posted 15 June 2006 - 10:19 AM

Gracias por la informaci?n. Pero el punto 4.6.1 del manual no existe. No se me dan muy bien los ordenadores asi que igual hago algo mal. Pero ahi puedo encontrar el programa tal cual y descargarmelo?? El ?nico programa que tengo ahora mismo bajado de la p?gina de casio es Moody (para los coeficientes de rozamiento). El m?todo de simpson tb lo tengo pero lo escrib? yo. Asi que no tengo muy claro que es lo que hay que hacer. si podeis ayudarme me harias un gran favor. Tengo un examen dentro de poco y necesito el programa de Runge-kutta para resolver los problemas. gracias.

#6 PAP


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Posted 15 June 2006 - 08:48 PM

Gracias por la informaci?n. Pero el punto 4.6.1 del manual no existe. No se me dan muy bien los ordenadores asi que igual hago algo mal. Pero ahi puedo encontrar el programa tal cual y descargarmelo?? El ?nico programa que tengo ahora mismo bajado de la p?gina de casio es Moody (para los coeficientes de rozamiento). El m?todo de simpson tb lo tengo pero lo escrib? yo. Asi que no tengo muy claro que es lo que hay que hacer. si podeis ayudarme me harias un gran favor. Tengo un examen dentro de poco y necesito el programa de Runge-kutta para resolver los problemas. gracias.

Yes, section 4.6.1 exists; you will find it at page 59-62 of the manual. Maybe you didn't find it because you have probably downloeded a very old version of the manual.
As for the Simpson method, you will not find it in LNA, because it's an elementary method. You will find Adaptive Trapezoidal and Romberg methods instead, which are much more accurate. Built-in numerical integration is very powerful as well, but it's slower.

#7 Nati



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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:12 AM

:banghead: Lo siento, pero no lo encuentro por ninguna parte. ?Podr?as hacer el favor de enviarmelo a mi correo o poner un enlace mucho m?s explicito?

Perdoname por las molestias, te lo agradecer?a mucho.

Un saludillo

#8 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:42 PM

:banghead: Lo siento, pero no lo encuentro por ninguna parte. ?Podr?as hacer el favor de enviarmelo a mi correo o poner un enlace mucho m?s explicito?
Perdoname por las molestias, te lo agradecer?a mucho.
Un saludillo

I'm not sure if I understood well, but you will find LNA's documentation here. The link at File Sharing is here.

#9 Guest_tsu_*

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:54 PM

Otro que tambi?n busca el runge kutta.

Yo tengo el programa runge kutta, el de LUA, y con el manager paso las carpetas (con lor archivos correspondientes dentro) del PC a la classpad. Cuando en la classpad entro en programs, si que me salen las carpetas que he a?adido, pero est?n vacias. O sea, en "carpeta" si que me salen varias carpetas, pero en "nombre" no me sale nada para elegir.

Que estoy haciendo mal?

PD: Urgente!!!!
PD2: Nati, bif?sicos?

#10 omegavirus


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:11 PM

Otro que tambi?n busca el runge kutta.

Yo tengo el programa runge kutta, el de LUA, y con el manager paso las carpetas (con lor archivos correspondientes dentro) del PC a la classpad. Cuando en la classpad entro en programs, si que me salen las carpetas que he a?adido, pero est?n vacias. O sea, en "carpeta" si que me salen varias carpetas, pero en "nombre" no me sale nada para elegir.

Que estoy haciendo mal?

PD: Urgente!!!!
PD2: Nati, bif?sicos?

Creo que estas pasando mal las cosas a las classpad, aqui te dejo un enlace en PDF donde describe como pasar los archivos .mcs a la graficadora en espa?ol:

http://web.educastur..... descarga.pdf

Tambien a ambos Nati y tsu les recomindo leer los manuales de todo lo necesario para hacer lo que desean hacer porque si no les sera dificil y les tomara mas tiempo lograr sus objetivos B)


I think you are doing the thinks in the wrong way, here you have a link in spanish of a guide in PDF of how you can pass the .mcs files to the classpad...

Good luck...

#11 tsu



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:31 PM

Los pasos que hab?a realizado son los mismos que pone en el manual.

Por ejemplo, esta es mi classpad manager con el intercambio realizado:

Posted Image

Como se ve, si que est?n transferidos lso programas a la calculadora, pero no puedo elegir ninguno (porque no aparece nada) de la lista "nombre"


As you can see, the transfer operation is ok, since the folders & the files appear on the calculator screen, but...

When i go to programs, in the classpad, i selec LNA from the "folder" slot. Next, i go to the "name" slot to select the "RK" program, but this slot is empty, nothing appears.

#12 Daniel (CZE)

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:57 PM

It's been a while since I've been asked to write in Enghlish language even if I wanted to spoke to my Czech friend. Could you be so honest and write posts in English like every non-English-speaking user of this forum?
Thank you.

#13 omegavirus


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:51 PM

Los pasos que hab?a realizado son los mismos que pone en el manual.

Como se ve, si que est?n transferidos lso programas a la calculadora, pero no puedo elegir ninguno (porque no aparece nada) de la lista "nombre"


As you can see, the transfer operation is ok, since the folders & the files appear on the calculator screen, but...

When i go to programs, in the classpad, i selec LNA from the "folder" slot. Next, i go to the "name" slot to select the "RK" program, but this slot is empty, nothing appears.

Por pura curiosidad en que corres los programas? en CASIO BASIC? Esos programas son para CPLua solo ay los reconoce la classpad o en administracion de variable como archivos de CPLua, es que creo que esa es la unica forma en que no los veas para ejecutarlos si ya aparecen en la classpad :blink:

Are you trying to run the programs in CASIO BASIC? Because those programs were made to run in CPLua and thats the only reason I think you can't see them because they are in your classpad already :blink:

#14 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:57 PM

As you can see, the transfer operation is ok, since the folders & the files appear on the calculator screen, but...
When i go to programs, in the classpad, i selec LNA from the "folder" slot. Next, i go to the "name" slot to select the "RK" program, but this slot is empty, nothing appears.

I suspect that this is a ClassPad driver problem; obviously, it has nothing to do with LNA. Are you sure you have installed the ClassPad driver properly? For example, can you transfer and use other programs? Try to transfer the examples.mcs, which is part of the CPLua package, or any oher image file you like, and see if it works as expected.
Btw, programs in the LNA directory cannot be run (they are libraries). Try to run programs from the LNAexamp or LNAdrive directories.

Are you trying to run the programs in CASIO BASIC? Because those programs were made to run in CPLua and thats the only reason I think you can't see them because they are in your classpad already :blink:

Hmmm, omegavirus has probably right.
@tsu: LNA is a collection of CPLua programs; they are not CPbasic programs, and the "Program" appliction cannot even "see" LNA files. ClassPad's variable editor treats CPLua programs as "MEM" variables.

PS: Implementing LNA in CPbasic is not difficult; it's impossible.

Edited by PAP, 19 June 2006 - 06:05 PM.

#15 tsu



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:08 PM

I?m so newbie... i don?t have the "driver" (CPLua) to run this programs.

Where can i find it? It?s easy to install? It will modifie something on my classpad? (like erasing other functions)

Thanks !

#16 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:22 PM

I?m so newbie... i don?t have the "driver" (CPLua) to run this programs.

Well, you are a newbie indeed, but don't be dissappointed. Every experienced programmer was a newbie once upon a time :rolleyes:. You are welcome.

Where can i find it? It?s easy to install? It will modifie something on my classpad? (like erasing other functions)

Go to that link to download CPLua. Installing CPLua is very easy; it is an "Add-In", and can be installed using the CP Add-In manager on your PC. It won't modify anything on your ClassPad. The only difference after installing is that your ClassPad will have a powerful programming language ;). Btw, you should check CPLua's forum for updates, and useful information.

#17 omegavirus


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:24 PM

I?m so newbie... i don?t have the "driver" (CPLua) to run this programs.

Where can i find it? It?s easy to install? It will modifie something on my classpad? (like erasing other functions)

Thanks !

Here you have the lastest version of LUA

And it is an add-in that do not modify anything in your classpad it only takes your classpad to another level where CASIO BASIC is just a nightmare... :P

#18 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:29 PM

And it is an add-in that do not modify anything in your classpad it only takes your classpad to another level where CASIO BASIC is just a nightmare... :P

omegavirus, you have a point here, as usual. And I like your sense of humor :plol:.

#19 tsu



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:36 PM

Installed, entered lua, opened RK method, run...

runtime error
main:106: Scripts are not authorized to export symbols...

I?ll never install a thing witout an error :P

#20 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:38 PM

Installed, entered lua, opened RK method, run...
runtime error
main:106: Scripts are not authorized to export symbols...

You are trying to run the RK library, not a program that uses the library. Please read my previous post :r-t-f-m:.

I?ll never install a thing witout an error :P

Well, in my native language there is a proverb saying something like "each start is difficult". In this case, however, there is no installation error.

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:45 PM

Well, better explained (btw, sorry about my english)

I go to lua icon on the main menu. I click "load" or "run". All the folders appear. I select the LNA folder and i click on the triangle to view the things it have inside. I select de RK method (a tick appears on the square), and i run... error. Is this a library?

EDIT: Have read now your post, sorry, trying..

#22 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:52 PM

I go to lua icon on the main menu. I click "load" or "run". All the folders appear. I select the LNA folder and i click on the triangle to view the things it have inside. I select de RK method (a tick appears on the square), and i run... error. Is this a library?

Yes, it is a library! I wrote it in a previous post: try the examples in the LNAexamp or LNAdrive directories. You cannot run anything in the LNA directory. Since you are interested on RK, try the example program RK4Ric1 and RK4Ric2, and read the corresponding documentation.
Btw, if you are hurry to use LNA without reading anything, you will probably dissapointed. Oh, did I said that you have to read the documentation? ;)

#23 tsu



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:54 PM

I?m the king (ironic)

The drive and examples are nice examples, but the thing i want is that:

I want to imput two diferentiaal equations, initial conditions, and receive a solution (equations, valors, tables...)

#24 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:04 PM

I?m the king (ironic)

Well, you are not, but may become a "king", eventually.

I want to imput two diferentiaal equations, initial conditions, and receive a solution (equations, valors, tables...)

Easy. Basically, you need to modify the RK4Ric1 or RK4Ric2 examples. The documentation explains what you should modify to solve any problem. Read it, try, and if you cannot solve it, post your differential equations in the LNA topic. I will give you a complete solution (but try for yourself first!)

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:28 PM

writting answer on the LNA post

#26 Orwell


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:09 PM

Installed, entered lua, opened RK method, run...

runtime error
main:106: Scripts are not authorized to export symbols...

I guess it was a good idea to add this error; now at least the users know they are doing something wrong :lol2:

#27 PAP


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 11:27 PM

I guess it was a good idea to add this error; now at least the users know they are doing something wrong :lol2:

Of course, the error message was a good idea. Unfortunately, however, new users don't try to understand what it means :(.

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