Here a 3D engine that we have created for Class Pad. It makes possible to draw a lot of different objects like paved, prisms, cones, spheres? by using simple commands indicating the type of desired object and its co-ordinates and characteristics. The environment 3D created can be see from every angle. When we draw an objets, we give him a name. By indicating an object chosen by his name, we can modify his parameters (size, position), remove it or make him rotate compared to an unspecified point. We can then easily create a representation of the Parthenon or solar system? The possibilities gave by this engine are multiple. We could for example then make a 3D board game...
The keys are the arrow keys, and keys 1,2,3 and 4. By pressing the key 2 we can notice that only the indicated object turns and by pressing the key 3, one can see a representation of the Solar system (the Moon turns around the Earth which it even turns around the Sun).
You can download the program containing the examples mentioned above on this website :