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Function T-student Inverse

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#1 girdeux


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 02:43 PM

Hello, I have a problem, <_< I am looking for a function that you introduce de probability and the freedom degrees, and you obtain the value that contains this probability in a t-Student distribuition.

In matlab you can do this:

ans = 2.01504837333302

In exel you can do this:


But in the classpad... I don't know, can someone help me? Thank you. :)
I have looked for it, but I haven't found it. I have the SO 2.

#2 Eisuke



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Posted 05 August 2006 - 06:11 AM

Hello, I have a problem, <_< I am looking for a function that you introduce de probability and the freedom degrees, and you obtain the value that contains this probability in a t-Student distribuition.

In matlab you can do this:

ans = 2.01504837333302

In exel you can do this:


But in the classpad... I don't know, can someone help me? Thank you. :)
I have looked for it, but I haven't found it. I have the SO 2.

ClassPad OS ver3.0 has it. OS ver3.0 is announced in August.

#3 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:10 AM

ClassPad OS ver3.0 has it. OS ver3.0 is announced in August.

Surely??!!!! Now is august!.. we can't wait anymore!
What are your sources?

#4 Eisuke



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Posted 14 August 2006 - 07:22 AM

Surely??!!!! Now is august!.. we can't wait anymore!
What are your sources?

I met an engineer at ICTCM2004 and discussed it with him. I met the same guy
at ICTCM2006 and he had CP300 in his hand. He forgot me but remembered
my suggestion and showed it to me. CASIO listen to teachers.

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