Major Annoyance/question About The Classpad300 Plus
Posted 06 August 2006 - 10:48 PM
Posted 07 August 2006 - 02:52 PM
Posted 08 August 2006 - 12:26 AM
Now... Do you really need to type,or read 9.332621544 e 157 !!!!!! THIS IS A BIG NUMBER!!!
reading this number could makes you crazy!
Set your calc on Norm2 (settings>setup>basic format> display) or Sci0 (zero significant numbers) to Sci9 (9 significant numbers), then sse big numbers in Scientific notation
Posted 08 August 2006 - 12:32 AM
Posted 08 August 2006 - 01:20 AM
I take part in a lot of competitions where we are allowed to use graphing calculators, and a lot of the questions are like what is the 17th to last digit in 100! or what not. I would like to be able to see that.
It's serious maths?.. I Think that the answer is no. Of Course, in Lua it's possible (threatening numbers as strings)
Posted 08 August 2006 - 01:26 AM
Posted 14 August 2006 - 11:56 AM
I take part in a lot of competitions where we are allowed to use graphing calculators, and a lot of the questions are like what is the 17th to last digit in 100! or what not. I would like to be able to see that.
A better calculator for a competition of that nature might be something in the HP 48 or 49 families, or an HP 50g. These calculators can calculate integer operations to any number of digits, limited only by available memory. So, you can see all the digits of 100! (though, obviously, you'll still have to scroll).
Posted 14 August 2006 - 01:36 PM
Posted 14 August 2006 - 02:39 PM
For example if i ask you what are the 24 last digits of 100!, you can say they are all zeros without computing 100! (in fact, you don't even need a calc)
These kind of questions are often designed so that there is a trick to avoid direct calculation.
Posted 14 August 2006 - 10:11 PM
Posted 15 August 2006 - 12:45 AM
Maybe it can work if you convert the number into a string, and then take the 92nd char (with StrMid)...
Posted 15 August 2006 - 02:04 AM
An idea, copy the number, and paste it on a the program editor (create a new prog or text)
You can use a SCROLLBAR!!! up&down
Posted 15 August 2006 - 02:24 PM
Posted 15 August 2006 - 05:18 PM
PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!! (go to trash with HP, it's better solution)
An idea, copy the number, and paste it on a the program editor (create a new prog or text)
You can use a SCROLLBAR!!! up&down
What a great solution! Good job!
I can use the same idea on my TI89 Titanium, too. I can paste these numbers into the text editor and see the entire number at once, without scrolling. I've never had a need to do this, but it's a good thing to know.
#15 Guest_jacob_*
Posted 10 May 2011 - 01:20 AM
What a great solution! Good job!
I can use the same idea on my TI89 Titanium, too. I can paste these numbers into the text editor and see the entire number at once, without scrolling. I've never had a need to do this, but it's a good thing to know.
i need to know the actual FULL THING of 100! and it just gives me 9.332621544e+157 on my computer calculator. wut should i do?
Posted 04 June 2011 - 07:59 AM
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