:!: Casio Comunication Protocols :!:
Posted 09 September 2006 - 02:11 AM
when i finish this proyect i will let you know about the circuit and how to construc it.
Posted 10 September 2006 - 07:59 PM
Posted 10 September 2006 - 09:12 PM
IR distance is to short, requires direct line of sight, not reliable. Bluetooth needs a special chip and is too expensive. You should use RF like wireless a wireless keyboard and mouse.Hello everybody, im working in a hi-range IR transmiter for the classpad to chat with an other classpad in a aprox range about 5 or 8 meter, but my digital osciloscope dont work and for that i cant study the serial comunication protocol used in the classpad, can some body tell me about the protocol of the 3 lines cable???
when i finish this proyect i will let you know about the circuit and how to construc it.
Posted 11 September 2006 - 07:01 AM
can some body tell me about the protocol of the 3 lines cable???
Why do you want to know about the classpad protocol. it just use a serial link.
one cable is RX , one for TX and one for GND.
and you don't need to know any thing else except the boud rate so you can calculate the clock speed.
that is all. just enough to build a serial transceiver.
if you search the WEB you will fine many circuts(both IR and RF circuts).some are very simple but not reliable and some are complicated but expensive.choosing one is depending on the speed and distance.
I think IR has some advantage for our usage. low power consumption and more simple circut.
if we use RF then what happend when there is more than two calculator using RF whit the same frequence? the circut will become to complex !
Posted 13 September 2006 - 01:42 AM
Posted 14 September 2006 - 09:35 PM
Posted 15 September 2006 - 12:58 AM
The final idea is:
Create a small-lowercost circuit to be place into the classpas like a addon for do an IR comunication with other classpad with the same circuit. I will use an eficient IR led that allow the signal bounce in walls or objects and across a estimate distand about 7 or 8 meters in direct line....

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