require("draw") fullscreen(1) draw.onbuffer() --wait for exe exe=false --draw tower drawtower=true b={{0},{0},{0}} z={0,0,0} function drawline(c,r,l) y = 80*c-40 x = 80-1.5*n+3*r if l>0 then draw.line(x,y-2*l,x,y+2*l) draw.line(x-1,y-2*l,x-1,y+2*l) else draw.line(x,y-14,x,y+14) draw.line(x-1,y+14,x-1,y-14) draw.line(x,180,x,50) end end function board() draw.clear() draw.line(80+1.5*n,40,80-1.5*n,40) draw.line(80+1.5*n,120,80-1.5*n,120) draw.line(80+1.5*n,200,80-1.5*n,200) draw.line(78-1.5*n,0,78-1.5*n,260,1,3) for i=1,3 do for j=1,z[i] do drawline(i,j,b[i][j]) end end draw.update() end function cw(p) return p%3+1 end function nm(p) if p==1 then return("left ") else if p==2 then return("middle") end end return("right ") end function coed(n) n=n/2 local c=0 while n>0 do if n%2==1 then c=c+1 end n=n/4 end return(c) end function main() clear() pos=1 n=tonumber(input("How many disks?")) z[1]=n for i=1,n do b[1][i],b[2][i],b[3][i]=n-i+1,0,0 end lastMove=2^n-1 clear() f,t=1,1 showgraph() for m=1,lastMove do printf(m..":") if m%2==1 then f,t=pos,cw(pos) print(nm(f).." to "..nm(t)..".") pos=t else if coed(m)%2==1 then f,t=cw(cw(pos)),cw(pos) print(nm(f).." to "..nm(t)..".") else t,f=cw(cw(pos)),cw(pos) print(nm(f).." to "..nm(t)..".") end end if drawtower then b[t][z[t]+1]=b[f][z[f]] b[f][z[f]]=0 z[f]=z[f]-1 z[t]=z[t]+1 board() if exe then waitkey(K_EXE) else for i=1,10000 do end end end end end main()
Tower Of Hanoi Solution
Started by
, Nov 06 2006 01:39 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 06 November 2006 - 01:39 AM
Posted 10 November 2006 - 01:31 PM
if you wanna wait for exe you just have to type
I wanted to see the code but it's too hard to read :s could you fix that ?
I wanted to see the code but it's too hard to read :s could you fix that ?
Posted 10 November 2006 - 02:49 PM
It is more easy to you to change it in the top of the file, only change exe=1 or exe=false (or nil).
Posted 13 November 2006 - 12:38 PM
k I didn't noticed
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