Posted 07 January 2007 - 04:21 AM
sorry for bumping the topic
I'm seriously thinking about that the O.S 3 have serious problems to manage memory resorces.
I got in average 3 Fatal exception errors each day since i've installed such O.S ( Generally TABLE and ADRESS errors ), then i advice to all OS 3 users to be CAREFUL, i mean.. the O.S is pretty unstable with memory management, there are a lot of strange small bugs related to saving files repeatedly, running a program continuosly (the system doesn't clear the memory properly before each independant run)
I have CP Lua 0.9c right now installed, i will see if it's causing a problem with the memory, installing 0.8 (rock stable)
in this post, i will put every fatal error i get soon (for sure, the errors are combinations of add in bugs + OS problems):
Please, be kind and report every fatal error issue here (do not cas, or calculation errors! please!)
1) sat 06 jan 2007: create a new document on the add in Bit Edit, with a vertical dimention less than 180,190 , if you press the left button of the cursorpad, you get a pretty white screen, and a error. That error would not appear for certain medium image sizes.. try it ourselves with various configurations
2) Run a memory intensive LUA code as generating a 100*100 matrix, repeatedly by hand (you execute it, and execute it, and.., by hand, not in a cycle).. for sure, you'll get a not enough memory message.. o far worse.. an adressing fatal error, try it. i got errors from the third iteration!!!! (i repeat, i'm not using a cycle, is a normal running repeated 3 times by hand)