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#1 dev86



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Posted 06 January 2007 - 05:47 PM

I think each one have something that he/she wish if his/her CP do! Such that some functions or

programs that make his/her study or work easier, so let's talk about these wishes in order to share

knowledge or possibly convey our voices to Casio programmers so they help us to develop these ideas.

I don't mean that I want just written programs without any work, no; if there is a well algorithm or pseudo

code it will be sufficient "It is easier if these programs are written, huh" .But at this moment it is good to

take about these wishes so We can help each other in any way!

I will start with my self and wish if my CP have the following:

1- A built in function that find the Z-transform

2- A built in function that find the convolution integral.

3- A built in program that help me solve my electrical problem in circuits, electronics, Electromagnetic,

control. :rant:

4- A built in function that find the curl, laplacian, gradient, divergence of a vector.

5- A really CAS that can find each integral such that this one:

integral( x^(.5)/(1+x^(1/3))), note that TI-89 titanium can find this one!

"The answer is 6x^(7/6)/7-6x^(5/6)/5+2x^(.5)-6x^(1/6)+6arctan(x^(1/6)) " :banghead:

And many many other wishes, but this I remembered at this time.

At first glance one may think that the preceding programmes are somewhat advance or specific in some

field, but in fact each one should have some field that he/she needs such an advanced programmes . In

addition, you may don't have time to think in such algorithm; hence you need some written one.

So let's work to make each wish a fact and try applying this statement "The knowledge is a human

right" ;)

#2 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 07 January 2007 - 04:00 AM

Please....DONT POST THE SAME TOPIC TWICE! and read the forum rules, for god sake!!!
posting the same question twice doesn't mean that you'll have 2x answers.. 1 Kg of water at 50C plus 1Kg water at 50C, doesn't make 2kg water at 100C

#3 PAP


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Posted 07 January 2007 - 03:10 PM

1 Kg of water at 50C plus 1Kg water at 50C, doesn't make 2kg water at 100C

:plol: :plol: :plol:

#4 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 07 January 2007 - 10:22 PM

sure you kid... whatever <_<

#5 Kilburn


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Posted 08 January 2007 - 06:16 PM

You can even say 2+2=5, or pi=1, or 1/0=0... :plol:

And you should follow their advices, all these questions have been asked many many many many many times... <_< Moreover, creating new thread for this is completely pointless... Why ?

Because Casio will never read you !
UCF is not Casio offical website ! Think of that. :rant:

Send a mail to Casio, maybe they'll answer you.

And I'm almost sure you don't even know how a CAS works...

#6 Behnoud


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Posted 12 January 2007 - 06:15 PM

We aren't in a chatroom.
It's boring to read same topics as well as FIGHT between forum members!

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