Hello all,
I have been missing for 2 years.This is my senior year and (I do have time) I started to work on the things that I have planning for ages.
First of all I would like to share my updated skills ;
I'll officially be an electrical and electronics engineer at the june of this year.Beneath me being an eee I do have various skills and strong background on topics such as operating systems,programming,wireless communications,network,IT/IS stuff.
I read the previous topics and I totally agree on some of the concerns such as ee pro.Actually my expectations from my cp is (mathematically) satisfed with os 3.01.But of course there are still lots of things out there waiting to be fixed.Number of applications are nothing compared to the abilities of this device.I know there are lots of people tring to improve the standarts of this device (except casio) and it is really worth the shot.My first project is to design a special interface for network connectivity and code software for it.I have lots of stuff in my mind for cp (from wireless interfaces to osiloscopes and extended memories).Anyone who thinks he/she has enough skills can join me.Also all comments are welcomed.
The name I chose for this project is CreaPivity.
I will be posting the details of work done from now on.Anyone wants to participate can contact me.

Extending The Abilities Of Cp
Started by
, Mar 08 2007 11:07 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 08 March 2007 - 11:07 PM
Posted 03 April 2007 - 10:57 AM
great work.
maybe i can help you. I have enough exprience to work with microcontrollers such as AVR and 8051 family. Programing in c/c++.Designing digital circuits and some more....
I am a student(Robotics engineering -> electronics+mechanics) and i have some project that i have to work on them too,So can not help full time.but i will do my bests.
great work.

maybe i can help you. I have enough exprience to work with microcontrollers such as AVR and 8051 family. Programing in c/c++.Designing digital circuits and some more....

I am a student(Robotics engineering -> electronics+mechanics) and i have some project that i have to work on them too,So can not help full time.but i will do my bests.

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