Owbasic - The Most Common Language Of V, Now Be Ported To Cp
Posted 18 April 2007 - 05:07 PM
I compile functions to ints...
Unlike CPLua, it's a basic-like language (asm-like) so it's lower level than CPLua
Posted 19 April 2007 - 07:31 AM
I guess both languages are compiled to bytecode and executed by a bytecode interpreter.
Don't you think that the queen-bench is a more accurate way to find out the speed of these languages vs. CP-Basic?
Posted 20 April 2007 - 12:55 AM

Posted 20 April 2007 - 11:07 AM

Posted 20 April 2007 - 10:08 PM
Noooooo!Sold? Hmm... now that you think about about it...
Yeeeeees!No, nothing has been abandonned nor sold.
I'm sure it has to do with programming, otherwise I have a feeling that you will find your job to be boooring.and on top of that I had to look for my futur job (which I found now, yay
Even better, a true test must include real world benchmark programs. For example, I could write a LNA function in OWBasic and run it to see the difference in speed. However, I don't have time for such things right now. Programs for solving problems such as the "eight queens" or the "knight tour" could also be used as benchmarks as well.IMHO you shouldn't write benchmarks based on call to the language libraries. Do some tests with simple programs like
a = {} for i = 1,100000 do a[i] = i*i endto see the real speed of the interpreter itself
Anyway, differences in pixel-drawing programs don't prove anything, unless someone is interested on graphics only.
Indeed. We could also look at any dictionary:CPBasic IS defeated by default!
masochist (noun): a person who prefers CPBasic instead of CPLua or any other ClassPad programming language; synonym of CPBasicist.
Of course you should expect such an answerI expect nothing else.

Posted 21 April 2007 - 08:37 PM
Sure, but speed is relative and so its also good to know the "slowness" of CP-Basic. I will try to add the benchmarking results of these languages to have more clarity.
Posted 21 April 2007 - 10:01 PM
Posted 21 April 2007 - 10:14 PM
Posted 21 April 2007 - 10:21 PM

Posted 22 April 2007 - 08:46 AM
Posted 09 August 2007 - 07:54 PM
What are numerical values at the end for? What happens if you change them, do they change the song or something? Also what are the mel dur and vol things for?WOW, i've found an interesting function wink2.gif
PLAY mel$,dur%,vol%
Plays a melody coded in mel. The characters have the following meaning.
Character Meaning
'a'..'h' Play the corresponding note
'#' Increment next note a half step (cis, dis..)
'+' Change to next higher octave
'-' Change to next lower octave
1 Select whole notes 1/1
2 Select half notes 1/2
4 Select quarter notes 1/4
8 Select eighth notes 1/8
6 Select sixteenth notes 1/16
' ' or 'p' Play a rest
'r' Reset to default value
The parameter dur controls the duration (in milliseconds) of the sound. The parameter vol controls the volume or waveform of the signal. The value 100 is the highest volume.
example: PLAY "4ee2e4ee2e4egcd2e4ffffeeeeedde2dg",1400,100
enjoy wink2.gif
Posted 10 August 2007 - 01:18 AM
What are numerical values at the end for? What happens if you change them, do they change the song or something? Also what are the mel dur and vol things for?
dur%:controls the duration (in milliseconds) of the sound
vol%:the volume or waveform of the signal (0-100)
Compare your self:
dur%=500 and dur%=5000.
vol%=10 and vol%=100.
Posted 10 August 2007 - 07:42 PM
i Have.
! Test Song PLAY "4ee2e4ee2e4egcd2ep4fffffeeeedde2dcg", 1400, 100Where do I put the volume bit? And how EXACTLY do I insert it? Also what do the numbers
, 1400, 100do?
Posted 10 August 2007 - 10:02 PM
Posted 10 August 2007 - 11:29 PM
Also you mentioned on MSN that you could put .wma files on it... Is that really possible, if so how?
Posted 11 September 2007 - 02:20 PM
It cannot be a real compilation, it's just a tokenizing operation. CPLua does the same thing
Why can't it be a real compilation? Is there some reason source code can't be compiled to machine language?
Tom Lake

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