Hi, I've been trying to program my class pad 300 but it isn't working... If you have any program that solves Colebrooke-White formula (civil engeniering, hydraulic), please contact me! I really need it because I'm about to have exam
Thank you!
tixa986 AT yahoo.com.br
Started by
, Apr 29 2007 03:55 PM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 29 April 2007 - 03:55 PM
Posted 29 April 2007 - 08:04 PM
Do you refer a program that you enter Reynolds number, Re; and relative rugosity, e; and it calculates the Fanning's factor, f? If you want it visit:
It's based on Chen ecuation, it's runs in basic not in cplua, I did this program (it's a very easy program).
It's based on Chen ecuation, it's runs in basic not in cplua, I did this program (it's a very easy program).
Posted 29 April 2007 - 10:01 PM
I need to enter "caudal" (q) (I don't know how to say it in english...), diameter (D), equivalent rugosity (k) and "coeficiente de viscosidade din?mica" (v) (sorry, I don't know how to say it again...), and then the program solves the "Colebrooke-White" equation. I've got this program in BASIC, and I've translated it to Class Pad 300 language, but it always says that there is an error...
The program you're saying is another way to calculate the same thing, but this one is more rigorous. Thanks anyway! If you know anything about this program please contact me
The program you're saying is another way to calculate the same thing, but this one is more rigorous. Thanks anyway! If you know anything about this program please contact me
Posted 30 April 2007 - 09:26 AM
Ok is the same, with your variables you can calculete my variables, let's see:
Q: volume/time (caudal)
V: velocity
D: diameter
S: pipe section
ro: density
u: viscosity (kg/m/s)
uc: cinematic viscosity (m^2/s). uc=u/ro
e: absolute rugosity
Your variables are: Q,D,e,uc
e/D: relative rugosity (one of my variables)
Re=V?D?ro/u=V?D/uc, but first you need calculate V
If Q=V?S=V?Pi?D^2/4 -> V=Q?4/Pi/D^2 put the velocity in the up line and you will calculate the reynolds number, that is the another one of my varibles
Is the same, if you want, you can modify my program in order to input your variables. The Chen ecuation is enough accurate, if you prefer Colebrooke you will have to make it with cplua, I think that this ecuation needs a iterative method.
Q: volume/time (caudal)
V: velocity
D: diameter
S: pipe section
ro: density
u: viscosity (kg/m/s)
uc: cinematic viscosity (m^2/s). uc=u/ro
e: absolute rugosity
Your variables are: Q,D,e,uc
e/D: relative rugosity (one of my variables)
Re=V?D?ro/u=V?D/uc, but first you need calculate V
If Q=V?S=V?Pi?D^2/4 -> V=Q?4/Pi/D^2 put the velocity in the up line and you will calculate the reynolds number, that is the another one of my varibles
Is the same, if you want, you can modify my program in order to input your variables. The Chen ecuation is enough accurate, if you prefer Colebrooke you will have to make it with cplua, I think that this ecuation needs a iterative method.
Posted 05 May 2007 - 05:56 PM
ok, thank you! I'll try to do that! Yes, it needs an iterative method. Your program is in BASIC? can I run it on my class pad?or do I need do translate it to its language? and do I need to install anything in my pc to transfer it to class pad?
Posted 06 May 2007 - 01:23 PM
The program can be run in the class pad, you don't have to change the lenguage, you only have to add your variables (if you don't know how to do that, tell me).
To pass the program from pc to class pad you need classpad manager, it's in the cd that comes with the classpad's box.
Are you mechanical engineer or chemical engineer?
To pass the program from pc to class pad you need classpad manager, it's in the cd that comes with the classpad's box.
Are you mechanical engineer or chemical engineer?
Posted 06 May 2007 - 03:12 PM
ok, thank you! I'll try to do that, if I can't do it I'll tell you. I'm still studying for beeing a civil engineer!
#8 Guest_Guest_Tixa_*_*
Posted 20 May 2007 - 12:34 PM
Hi again. I can't install the program in my class pad because I don't know how to transfer a program from my computer to class pad. I've already install the program that comes with class pad, and I've read the instructions but I don't understand how can I do it... If you could help me I'd be very greatfull!
Posted 20 May 2007 - 05:13 PM
I hope you speak Spanish.
In the "El Betoe's website":
Point 2) click on the link "aqui"
In the "El Betoe's website":
Point 2) click on the link "aqui"
#10 Guest_Guest_Tixa_*_*
Posted 20 May 2007 - 07:03 PM
I don't speak but I think I can understand it.
Thank you!
Thank you!
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