Please Help To Solve This Terrible Bug In Os3.01
Posted 16 May 2007 - 11:30 PM
it answare 1.050643978+1.701807049i
but it must be 1.414213562+1.414213562i
this bug is only in os3.01 and i check os 3.00 and in os 3.00 it answare right so how can i delete version 3.01 and install version 3 please help me
Posted 17 May 2007 - 01:54 AM
Posted 17 May 2007 - 06:02 AM
Posted 17 May 2007 - 08:55 AM

you have to set to rad-mode
then you must write:
then you get the right solution.
or is there another way ??
Posted 17 May 2007 - 10:51 AM
IS THERE any way to reduce the version of os3.01 to os 3.00
i try but it said you can not do this [b]HELP
Posted 17 May 2007 - 12:23 PM
IS THERE any way to reduce the version of os3.01 to os 3.00
Clear ?
And please don't shout.
Posted 17 May 2007 - 12:54 PM
I think there is a way to solve this problem what should i do??????????????
i am studing electiral engineering and this bug caused my answare in exam turn to wrong.
Posted 17 May 2007 - 01:04 PM
Posted 17 May 2007 - 06:24 PM
If there is nobody in here to help me to solve this problem (complex error in os 3.01 ) please show me the way that i can report this bug to casio and perhapse they show me the way i can back my os version to 3.00
hi there,
dont cry .. I'm studying electrical engineering too & I found the same stupid bug too!! take a lookl at this topic:
there is no way you can solve this stupid bug ..
the only thing you can do is to use the shift key to create a function PHASE!!
for example
define PH(x)=cos(x)+j*sin(x)
remember to lock the variable!!
and store it in shift key like :
then if you will to write 2*exp(45j) instead of pressing 5 keys to write that ... simply write 2*PH(45 using the shift key & pressing 2 keys!!
it raly saves your time!!
remember the mode should be on degree!!
have fun
Posted 17 May 2007 - 09:30 PM
Thank afshin
Posted 19 May 2007 - 04:15 AM
Posted 19 May 2007 - 05:25 AM
(!) r e^(i thera?) is equa to r e^(i thera) in deg mode, and it is equa to r cos(thera(rad)) + i r sin(thera(rad))
(!) r e^(i thera?) is equa to r e^(i pi thera / 180) in rad mode, and it is equa to r cos(thera(deg)) + i r sin(thera(deg))
it answare 1.050643978+1.701807049i
but it must be 1.414213562+1.414213562i
OS 3.01 is right not OS 3.00

Posted 19 May 2007 - 05:41 AM
as you can see in the screenshots above, the default is radian .. so that every value you enter, the os transforms it into radian and then does the calculation!!!
and in os 2.20 it transforms it into radian corectly!!
as a result it gives the correct answer in both degree & radian mode!!
as you can see.. it only does the correct calculation in radian mode..... but in degree mode it makes 65 degrees equal to 66 radians which is wrong and very serious!!!
OS 2.2 is wrong! It isnt a bug, rad values and deg values shouldnt be mixed, that may cause a big wrong in calculate! It's not wrong when OS 3.0 remove the silly transforming and mixing of rad values and deg values!
(I think there shoulg be a warning pops up when you use rad-based funcs in deg mode)
Posted 19 May 2007 - 05:59 AM
r cos(thera(rad)) + i r sin(thera(rad)) but it not right
the right answare is
r cos(thera(deg)) + i r sin(thera(deg))
u can find the right answare in these link:
hence if we try 2e^(i 45?) its answare in degree mode must be 1.414213562+1.414213562i
but if you try this in os 3.01 it said 1.050643978+1.701807049i
and for chech this answare if you use comtopol in degree mode it said 2e^(i 58.31007809?)
i hope u find out what i said
Posted 19 May 2007 - 11:36 AM
Posted 19 May 2007 - 11:40 AM
Posted 19 May 2007 - 11:41 AM
Posted 19 May 2007 - 04:37 PM
If I enter 2*cos(45?)+i*2*sin(45?) the ClassPad gets it right, but if I enter 2e^(i*45?) it gets it wrong. I've enter the same damn thing. The answers must be the same!
I'm an electrical engineer and I think in terms of r e^(i theta?). In my book, and the book of every other engineer, Casio is plain worng. Look at all the posts on the topic. I'm not along here. Is Casio saying they don't care about engineers?
Posted 19 May 2007 - 05:10 PM
Hey dude, stop with the annoying big red print.What happen here???
(!) r e^(i thera?) is equa to r e^(i thera) in deg mode, and it is equa to r cos(thera(rad)) + i r sin(thera(rad))
(!) r e^(i thera?) is equa to r e^(i pi thera / 180) in rad mode, and it is equa to r cos(thera(deg)) + i r sin(thera(deg))
OS 3.01 is right not OS 3.00That's a basic math knowledge.
It's not basic math knowledge, it's ignorant programming. When anyone under the sun enters 2e^(45?) there is only one correct answer. Why don't YOU go ask your math teacher what the answer is. Even a moron would be able to figure out on paper that 2e^(45?) = 2*cos(45?) + 2*i sin(45?).
I don't care how the ClassPad is parsing things or how it works internally. I just want the correct answer. 2e^(45?) only has one correct answer (remember, the answer even a moron can figure out).
The ClassPad is blindly trying to decide when to transform degrees into radians and guess what, it got it wrong. It stripped out the degrees and did the calculation is radians. Hey, I'm in degrees mode and I put a degrees symbol on the number. What else can I do? I'm not mixing radians with degrees. I'm trying to do the whole thing in degrees. The ClassPad is mixing them, and it got mixed up.
They probably fixed some other bug in OS 3.01 that converted to radians when it shouldn't Well guys, you broke something else. Stop chasing your tails and keep the degrees with my number.
Posted 20 May 2007 - 12:38 AM
i want to answare that guest

some one should fix this problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 21 May 2007 - 06:42 AM

r*e^(i* thera (degree) ) != r*cos(thera (degree)) + r*i*sin(thera (degree))
r*e^(i* thera (radian) ) == r*cos(thera (radian)) + r*i*sin(thera (radian))
It must be a "domain error" when use e^(i* thera) in degree mode, cause there is not any ruler when use a degree value in the cap (is it the right word?).
Posted 21 May 2007 - 05:29 PM
r*e^(i* thera (degree) ) == r*cos(thera (degree)) + r*i*sin(thera (degree))
r*e^(i* thera (radian) ) == r*cos(thera (radian)) + r*i*sin(thera (radian))
Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:09 PM
if you dont like colorful posts, i will use normal
r*e^(i* thera (degree) ) != r*cos(thera (degree)) + r*i*sin(thera (degree))
r*e^(i* thera (radian) ) == r*cos(thera (radian)) + r*i*sin(thera (radian))
It must be a "domain error" when use e^(i* thera) in degree mode, cause there is not any ruler when use a degree value in the cap (is it the right word?).
You obviously don't understand what you are talking about. I'll try to keep it simple so you can follow along. The following is an identity. Forget about radians or degrees for right now.
r*e^(i* a) == r*cos(a) + r*i*sin(a)
Now make a = b*180/pi. Remember we have an identity. A simple variable substitution doesn't invalidate it. This gives us..
r*e^(i* b*180/pi) == r*cos(b*180/pi) + r*i*sin(b*180/pi)
Wow, will you look at this. This is r*e^(i* theta_degrees) == r*cos(theta_degrees) + r*i*sin(theta_degrees).
You don't know what you are talking. Please go ask your teacher. Otherwise you will continue to embarrass yourself. If you still think you are correct please try to show a proof (you know how to do one of these, don't you?). I'd enjoy seeing this.

Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:27 PM
All of you are not sure about your learing

Check if any site use degree for power calculate (also check maple), I dont think you can find one

Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:35 PM

Posted 23 May 2007 - 07:53 PM
TI is broken and conflicts themselves. Domain Error makes no mathematical sense. Enter 2^i on the TI in degree mode and it returns Domain Error. This is wrong.Check if any site use degree for power calculate (also check maple), I dont think you can find one
I dont have much time to talk much here, you should think it carefully before talking!
Enter 2*e^(i 45?) in radians mode. It give you the correct answer. This should not be different then entering it in degrees mode.
Now enter (2 < 45?) when the TI is in rectangular mode. (where < is the special angle mark). The TI gives the correct answer of sqrt(2)+sqrt(2)*i 2*e^(i 45?) is the same thing as (2 < 45?). This is standard syntax for any engineer. Pick up any engineering book. This is not a domain error. This is a valid syntax.
TI may not solve it, but regardless, Casio gets the wrong answer. I think TI returns Domain Error because they do not know how to return the correct answer so they decided not to answe at all.
Please don't use "TI returns domain error" as your argument. This is not a proof and this does not prove anything. Can you give any reason why this should be a domain error?
Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:24 PM
please i want to install O.S3.0 and ican't find it
please help
Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:31 PM
YES, if you know the OS offset in the memory.IS THERE any way to reduce the version of os3.01 to os 3.00
Posted 25 May 2007 - 04:23 PM
You can buy it from casio service in your town or you can buy it online
Posted 25 May 2007 - 04:29 PM
"if you know the OS offset in the memory"
Posted 26 May 2007 - 12:46 AM
I'm only guessing, but I think this was a joke. If you know the offset of the "1" in memory you can use a hex editor and change it to "0". Presto, instant OS 3.00.Dear gust would you please describe what the meaning of "if you know the OS offset in the memory"

Posted 26 May 2007 - 05:34 AM

Posted 29 May 2007 - 08:44 AM

Posted 30 May 2007 - 08:48 AM
Thank you very much for your letter. You have contacted the European Support Center in Germany.
With regards to your question we can offer you the following information:
By calculation with complex numbers in polar form note the following point.
The ClassPad 300 calculates internally with the angle unit Radian. The angle unit you chosed in setting has no effect on internal calculation. It can only change the display of the result.
If you want to use the angle unit Deg you have to consider this point and do the conversion by yourself in order to get the correct result. For this conversion you have to multiply the term in the power of e with Pi/180. The following exmaple shows how this conversion for the complex numbe 4e^(45i):
Instead 4e^(45i) enter as 4e^(45i*Pi/180) The Pi is the number 3.14...
If you use by your calculations only the angle unit Rad you don't need to pay note to this conversion. There is no change and no conversion if the angle unit Radian is used.
You can also save the conversio factor as a variable like J that has the value J=i*Pi/180. Then you enter the above number as 4e^(45J).
Kind regards,
Khalid Doulali
CASIO Europe GmbH
Bornbarch 10
22848 Norderstedt
Amtsgericht Kiel, HRB 3315
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Hiroshi Nakamura
I guess it's the best we can do atm.

Posted 30 May 2007 - 04:56 PM
Posted 31 May 2007 - 07:37 AM
Posted 13 June 2007 - 02:05 PM

Guest_Tom Lake_*
Posted 19 July 2007 - 07:35 PM
In Radian Mode calculate 2e^(i45')
now switch to Degree mode and use com2pol to convert 1.414...+1.414...i to polar
answer: (2,45')
Posted 16 March 2008 - 08:56 AM
There is a simple way to solve this problem and it isn't essential to change your OS really!!
I'm an Electrical engineer,too. My first Operating System was OS2.02 and as you say(and I know) there wasn't that problem on it.
And now I updated my classpad to OS3.03,but I have solved this BUG(If wen can name this a "bug")easily for myself in this way:
first remember this trick: Mode Should be on degree,ALWAYS!!
and now the answer:
define a variable (eg: x) ; then do these on your CP:

Then everywhere you selected degree symbol before,you should choose x now!!!
for example:
In classpad OS2.02(and OS3.00 as you say) it was:
An now in classpad OS3.01(3.02,3.03) you should write:
((Note : The mode is on DEGREE,decimal,algebra))

Posted 16 March 2008 - 09:04 AM
I'm in university now. If you need more help , you can send me an e-mail to send you more instructions and pictures of my procedure.
(My e-mail:smb_144 AT yahoo.com)
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