I put this onto an *.mcs and then opened it with EBook.
ClassPad 300 Insctructions (ClassPad Version)
Here is some information so you can do many things to your classpad. The numbers in brackets are links to visuals to help you understand.
Connecting Your ClassPad 300 To Your ComputerInsert your CD ROM that came with your ClassPad 300. Then it will pop up with an internet website (1). Close this. Then open ?My Computer?. In ?My Computer? will be the file ?CLASSPAD300 (*

? (* will be replaced by a letter that corresponds with your computers CD ROM drive. Eg My computer?s CD ROM drive is (D:).) If you double-click on this file you will see it will go to the webpage again. If you double-clicked it, then exit the webpage again and go back to ?My Computer?. But this time instead of double-clicking on ??CLASSPAD300 (*

?, right-click on it and then click ?open? (2). Then in there you will see the folder ?ClassPad Manager ? Limited? (3). Double-click this. In here there is a file called ?setup? (4). Double-click this to start the installation (5). Click the appropriate buttons (6) to finish and complete the installation (7). When this is done you will have ClassPad Manager and will be able to use the ClassPad 300 on your computer! (8) (But you won?t be able to play the games you download for your ClassPad 300 on the ClassPad Manager.) Now, plug in your ClassPad 300 to your computer. This is a three step process. Plug the USB plug into a USB port. Turn on your ClassPad 300. Plug in the other end of the cord into your ClassPad 300 (10). It should automatically change to this screen (11). There might be a pop up on your computer saying ?Found New Software/Hardware, if this happens, do not fret. It might just install it by itself, if it doesn?t it may pop up with a window; just click all the appropriate buttons to finish/complete the installation. If it pops up saying it couldn?t complete the installation then it doesn?t matter that much, everything should and I repeat ?SHOULD? work, I cannot say everything will definitely work but they should. Now your ClassPad 300 is ready to connect to your computer. But what are you going to do with a ClassPad 300 that is connected to your computer but you don?t know what to do with it? Read on and you shall find out what you can do.
Getting Ready To Install Things Onto Your ClassPad 300You need to know and do a few things before you try to put anything onto your ClassPad 300. You need to register to a few websites. Go to
http://classpad.net/ . You will need to register here:
https://classpad.net...regist_form.php . If you don?t know where the ?Product Number? is then it explains it here:
http://ftp.casio.co..../Product_No.pdf (But there is a link to this page on the registration form). Once you have registered to
http://classpad.net/ (you will need to follow any additional instructions that the website gives to you), you need to register to a few other sites.
http://www.classpad.org/ is another website that you will need to register to. You can register to this site here:
http://www.classpad.org/register.php/. When you are registered to this site we can move onto the next one (Remember to follow any more instructions given to you by that website as well). The next website to register at is
http://www.casiocalc.org/. You can register here:
http://www.casiocalc...act=Reg&CODE=00. Then when you are registered to
http://www.casiocalc.org/ you can stop registering. What you have done is register to 3 websites that will give you:
*Programs that will allow you to install programs onto your ClassPad 300 (
*Downloadable programs that you can put onto your ClassPad 300 (
*Even more downloadable programs that you can put on your ClassPad 300 (
It would be a good idea to bookmark these websites as you will need them for many things to come.
Upgrade Your ClassPad 300Before you put anything onto your ClassPad 300, I strongly recommend upgrading your OS (Operating System) Version of your ClassPas 300. This is so many programs will work as some programs you download may not work with your Current (Old) ClassPad 300 OS Version or they may work incorrectly. First you need to download some software (?OS Update?) from
http://classpad.net/. The OS Upgrade can be found here:
https://classpad.net...3000_Update.exe. Remember your username for
http://classpad.net/ as you will need to type it in to download the OS Update. Click accept and then accept the download (12). When that is downloaded you will have a new file called ?ClassPad_300_OS_Ver2203000_Update.exe? probably on your desktop (13), if not it is where your downloaded files from the internet usually go. Double-click this file and it will start the updating process (click yes to start the update (14)). Follow all the instructions given to you by the installer (they are very helpful instructions and are quite easy to follow) and your ClassPad 300 will now be updated! If you have the ?Spreadsheet? Add-In then you can delete that because version 2.2 has it already built in. If you don?t know how to delete the extra ?Spreadsheet? Add-In then here are the instructions. On your ClassPad 300, click ?System? (15), and then on the tabs near the top click on ?Add-In App.? (16). It will come up with all the Add-Ins you have on your ClassPad 300 (17). Tick the ?spreadsheet.cpa? box (18) and then click delete down the bottom (19). If you don?t have the extra spreadsheet, don?t worry about any of those instructions. Anyway you now have a fully updated Version 2 ClassPad 300 (20).
There is a Version 3 and Version 3.01 upgrade but it is developing stages and it would be a tad too risky for me to tell you how, you might end up losing all your data. That wouldn?t be good now would it?
?Add-Ins?Now for some games for your classpad! First we need the program which will let you install these programs. Go to
http://classpad.net/ and download the 'Add-in Installer'. It can be found at
http://classpad.net/...ddin/addin.html. When download (12) install the add-in instaler on your PC (21), (22), (23). Go to
http://classpad.org/...ries.php?cat=22 or
http://classpad.org/...ories.php?cat=3 or
http://www.casiocalc...s.games#totitle or
Choose some add-ins that take your fancy and download them. Unzip them. To Un-zip, select the zipped folder (24), right click the zipped folder and click extract (or unzip) here (25). It will extract it automatically (26), (27). This is the same for *.rar files. Connect your ClassPad 300 to your PC with your USB plug (1), (2), (3). Then open Add-in Installer on your PC (28). On your ClassPad 300, it may automatically connect to your PC when you plug it in (11). Push cancel (29), ok and then ?link' (30) -> install (31) -> add-in (32)? then ok and it will connect again to your PC properly (33) to install Add-ins (otherwise it won't put them on). Then in the add-in installer, push the connect button (34) (top-left below ?file?) and it will connect to your ClassPad 300 (35), (36). Then have the folder where all your add-ins are (probably desktop) and the add-in installer open. Select all of the add-ins and drag them (37) into ?applications? on the right-hand side of the add-in installer (38). It will put them all on your ClassPad 300 (39). Then click the disconnect button if it does not disconnect automatically (to the right of the connect button) (40). You now have those add-ins on your ClassPad 300 (41), (42).
If you are unsure about anything, want to ask a question or want more info email me at
kevinator9 AT hotmail.com.