Oh. As I see today my page didn't load completely yesterday! someothers have the same idea about using the serial port(3pin port).
The ways you have to connect external memory would be through USB or "3-pin", but do you know the protocol of the 3-pin port? Do you know how to decode it, convert it and make it usable for a USB mass storage device? Do you have any knowledge of electronics at all?
As I guess the 3pin port is a complete TTL serial port. I read some part of SH-3 datasheet and found that it has a build-in serial port. So why casio don't use it as 3pin port?
Check commiunication settings. You will see "speed(3pin)" option uses standard speeds for serial ports.
By using max232 I built a cable for an Algebra FX 2.0 to connect it to computer through 3pin port(so both ports are using serial protocol,the only diffrent is about their logic voltage level(CP:0->0v 1->+5v but RS232:0->-15v 1->+15v)).
And at last I don't think casio encrypt data in software layer(I mean send and recive function shouldn't modify data So there is no need to hack the OS or writting a decrypter)
I have a basic question:
What do the pins on 3pin and USB (4pin) socket do?
Which one is affined to send and which one is affined to recieve data?
Are there any null (ground) pins?
3pin uses 3 wire:
1 for sending serialized data. (TX pin)
1 for receiving serialized dat. (RX pin)
1 for making a base for the voltage measurment in both systems. (GND)
USB pins:
1 for VCC supply.(+5v)
1 for GND.
1 for making devices synchronous.(Clock or CLK)
1 for sending/receiving data.
For a connection, how many pins at last is needed?
as you can see for a full-duplex (in persian: 2tarafe) connection at least you need 3pin. For a Half-duplex you need 2pin.
It completely depend on the protocol you choose to communicate. it is possible to make a full-duplex connection by using just 1 wire but it is not common and there is no standard protocol for doing that and not reliable.
To Behnood:
salam. shoma kodoom daneshgah dars mikhoonid?