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Odd Problem On Cp 300

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#1 Vulpes Virago

Vulpes Virago

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Posted 14 November 2007 - 07:44 AM

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

If I am using the on-screen keyboard, I occasionally run into an irritating bug. Let's say I'm using the Main application, and activate the keyboard. Then I use the Variable Manager and use the INPUT button to enter a variable. I end up with the Main application on the top half of the screen, and nothing but blank area where the keyboard should be!

It's not a big problem, but it is irritating. If I hit the keyboard button twice, all returns to normal.

I'm using a CP 300 with version 3.02 installed.

#2 The_AFX_Master


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Posted 14 November 2007 - 06:46 PM

Me too: OS 3.02. although i didn't know about it since i never input vars from the variable manager.
Another bug that persist on sucessive OS updates is about the spreadsheet saying that isn't enough memory (having 415 Kb free! on RAM) to save a spreadsheet. so when you need to open the failed to save document, the calculator crashes with a fatal exception error.

I'll try to email casio about those bugs

#3 omegavirus


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Posted 19 November 2007 - 07:40 PM

That's bull shit, I had the same spreadsheet bug talking how wonderful the classpad is to my girl friend and then that happened. The solution for now is to run the spreadsheet from an eActivitie and it will work just fine... :nonono:

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