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Non Linear Sim Eqs

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#1 jacci



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Posted 02 May 2008 - 02:51 PM

Hi, I know this is actually not that hard to do by hand, or to manipulate the equation to make it into simple linear equations which i can then solve. I am new to the classpad though and am trying to get my head around the basic functions and how to make them work.

I am trying to solve


I have tried solving using the 2d template and the solve( function and i am getting the solution returned:

When I transform into two linear equations: 2x - y = 4 and x - y = 5, i get the correct result.

this is more an exercise for me in learning the classpad than an actual math problem, so if anybody knows how i can use the calc to solve this, (or tell me it cant be done) then i would be very grateful.

#2 Colombia


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 03:06 AM

The classpad is just a maquine you need to think how to make you calculus easier.

where C is a constant.
This is equal to y*Ln(x)=Ln©

#3 jacci



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Posted 06 May 2008 - 12:14 AM

thanks, I thought as much, just checking the limits of what it can do. Still in the early exploring stages of what the classpad is capable of

#4 Behnoud


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Posted 11 May 2008 - 04:52 PM

As I experienced, it take less to sovle y*Ln(x)=C than x^y=C!
And using 2D make expression clear but it's too time consuming to solve the complicated
2D equations.

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