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Poor Contrast With Classpad 330

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#1 Bazooka



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Posted 24 October 2008 - 12:21 AM

I have just bought Classpad 330 from classpad.org and I am very disappointed with the screen. It has very poor contrast. My 9 year old Casio CFX 9850G which I thought has bad contrast actually has much better contrast. Not to mention that I can see my own reflection with the classpad screen.

Do all Classpad 330 like this? Do I happen to have Classpad 330 with older 300 screen? I have tried to make the contrast lighter and darker from the System Menu to no avail. Should I remove the Touch Screen Protector? I don't want to scratch the screen by removing the protector.

#2 Guest_Guest_mccoy_*_*

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 05:41 AM

lolz yep all classpad 330s are like that.There's nothing you can do about it...I think touch Screen Protector makes the resolution looks worse. ..but yes you don't want scratches on your cp ....so get use to it! My buddy made his own screen protector(much thinner than that comes with cp) and the screen of his cp looks much better..maybe you can do the same.

#3 squonk


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 08:27 AM

Can you tell more about your screen protector?

#4 McCoy


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 11:10 AM

oh i don't know how to explain this...but how about looking at the Nokai N95 screen protector?Both n95 and cp screen protectors have same thickness but Nokia N95 screen protector is a lil more transparent than cp's.However, the one that my budy used is way thinner and way transparent(super-clear relative to cp's).Just have a look at nokia n95 screen protector and then extrapolate your imagination forward to get something that's clearer and thinner(almost two dimensional).

#5 Bazooka



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Posted 31 October 2008 - 07:38 AM

lolz yep all classpad 330s are like that.There's nothing you can do about it...I think touch Screen Protector makes the resolution looks worse. ..but yes you don't want scratches on your cp ....so get use to it! My buddy made his own screen protector(much thinner than that comes with cp) and the screen of his cp looks much better..maybe you can do the same.

I was expecting that the new Classpad 330 would have much better contrast than Classpad 300. So, I am disappointed that the screen contrast is, in my judgment, still poor. I don't have Classpad 300 to compare to but I would expect that the screen has much better contrast than my CFX 9850G. The CFX 9850G already has bad contrast. So, to have Classpad 330 screen contrast even poorer than CFX 9850G is very dissapointing.

#6 casiokingdom


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 01:13 PM

I too am very disappointed with the Classpad screen. The FX-9860's screen is still the best that I've seen.

#7 squonk


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 12:09 AM

I've got mine CP yesterday and I've seen that the screen contrast is not so bad. The TI-Nspire got a worst contrast IMHO.

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