Classpad 330 Programming
Posted 11 December 2008 - 07:51 PM
TY !
Posted 12 December 2008 - 01:30 AM
What language are using for your program Basic, LUA or SDKi been tryin my luck with programmin this is a program on lagrange interpolatiion im tryin to develope i have a problem tho , i wana change the name of muh variable from x1...xn and ask the user to enter a number for each one according to the problem in hand (n bein an input) meanin : i need to ask the user to enter numbers for x1 to xn but n is also an input tht the user enters so i can use these numbers later but it wont lemme choose my variable as xi (i bein the control variable for the loop) ,any one has any suggestions????
TY !
Edited by Gualberto Soto Sivila, 12 December 2008 - 01:31 AM.
Posted 12 December 2008 - 12:45 PM
heres the thing im a mechanical engineerin student so programmin is not realy my thing , i honestly dont no wat sdk and lua mean(althouh i checked it out in wikipedia)

im usin the the programmin feature in classpad 330
i think the basic features are same as C++
Posted 15 December 2008 - 08:07 PM
You can use eActivity to do some calculation and iterative operation it's like doing in Main.
Posted 15 December 2008 - 09:29 PM
If you want to enter numbers from n numbers and store them, I'd suggesting using this way:
{}=>x Input n For 1=>i To n Input x[i] Next
Instead of having values from x1 to xn, it creates a list of values. Basically, that's what you want to do, and it's the best way to do it.
If you want some nicer text in the input boxes, you can also do this:
{}=>x Input n,"Number of values:" For 1=>i To n ExpToStr i,s StrJoin "x",s,s StrJoin s,"=",s Input x[i],s Next
Also, I seriously hope you're not English, check your grammar, it's just horrible to read.
Edited by Kilburn, 15 December 2008 - 09:30 PM.
Posted 16 December 2008 - 06:06 AM

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