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Matrix Calculus Trouble

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#1 RJPedro



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Posted 16 March 2009 - 11:32 AM


I' m having problems solving this matrix calculus:

det(mat [26400,-13200;-13200,13200]-p2*mat[40,0;0,40]=0)

Can anyone help me solve this…

The answer is pI=11.23;pII=29.39

Best regards


#2 afshin_electronic


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Posted 16 March 2009 - 06:29 PM


I' m having problems solving this matrix calculus:

det(mat [26400,-13200;-13200,13200]-p2*mat[40,0;0,40]=0)

Can anyone help me solve this…

The answer is pI=11.23;pII=29.39

Best regards


its simple ...
first of all , you can not use matrices to form an equation in CP ....
secondly you can not get the determinant of an equation, like you have written above!!!

try this:

det(mat [26400,-13200;-13200,13200]-p2*mat[40,0;0,40])=0

instead of :

det(mat [26400,-13200;-13200,13200]-p2*mat[40,0;0,40]=0)

and then solve it for p ...
you'll get 4 answers for that, including those two you have mentioned above ....

#3 RJPedro



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Posted 17 March 2009 - 09:31 AM

I'm sorry to say, it comes out …”no solution”… I don’t know what to say, I did everything you said but it did not work…

I must say I have a CP 300 is there anything about my calculator model that makes it impossible to calculate this equation on it???

Help me please



#4 Guest_Tabaco_*

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Posted 13 October 2009 - 08:59 PM

Uffff......... Acabo de comprar una ClassPad 330 y resulta que no puede sacar la inversa de una matriz de 20x20 elementos !!!! ( truena por falta de memoria, aunque utilice el 100% que trae la calculadora !!!!, además de que es muy lento el poder introducir los valores, ya que tienes que estar "esperando" a que la calculadora registre el valor para poder ingresar otro, si no el siguiente valor lo introduce en la misma posición )

y en una Fx2.0 PLUS ni se queja para hacer este cálculo !!

tengo dudas con esta calculadora........ habré realizado una buena inversión $$ ??

#5 diiego06



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Posted 18 October 2009 - 02:02 AM

para resolver ese problema, también podrías utilizar la función LUinverse del LNA, para poder usarlo necesitas el CPLua, ambos el LNA y el CPLua deberías poder descargarlos del foro. si necesitas mas infromación solo me preguntas.

#6 McCoy


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Posted 10 November 2009 - 10:15 AM



I' m having problems solving this matrix calculus:

det(mat [26400,-13200;-13200,13200]-p2*mat[40,0;0,40]=0)

Can anyone help me solve this…

The answer is pI=11.23;pII=29.39

Best regards



Edited by McCoy, 10 November 2009 - 11:37 AM.

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