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Pdf Reader?

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#1 Ababab



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Posted 05 April 2009 - 10:34 AM

I'm wondering if anyone has ever coded a PDF reader for Classpad 3x0? Would it even possible? Since I've no idea how much calculation power would rendering a PDF require?

#2 kucalc


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Posted 05 April 2009 - 05:04 PM

I don't know what the advantages to having a PDF reader on the ClassPad are. I think it would be better to have black and white pic viewer with some utility for the PC to convert.

PDF files take up a lot of space and I think such a true PDF reader would be too complex to implement on the ClassPad especially with only a 240x128 resolution screen.

#3 Ababab



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Posted 05 April 2009 - 08:43 PM

I don't know what the advantages to having a PDF reader on the ClassPad are.

If it was all text with very few images, it'd be a little smaller than a high-ish resolution image? Altho, copying the text isn't an opinion, because it has mathematical expressions, which aren't directly copyable to Classpad. Why do ppl generally use PDF instead of images? :)

I think it would be better to have black and white pic viewer with some utility for the PC to convert.

Hmm, yeah. But all those image converting progs have been very limited about the size of the pictue. I'd be great to save pdfs/pictures with a decent resolution and have a zoom in/out option.

Have I missed some apps, or is it really true that you can't have a, let's say 1280x1024 picture with zoom and scrolling?

Edited by Ababab, 05 April 2009 - 08:45 PM.

#4 mintsmike


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 07:26 PM

Have I missed some apps, or is it really true that you can't have a, let's say 1280x1024 picture with zoom and scrolling?

I think what you are suggesting may be possible. There would have to be some utility on the computer to first, tranfser thye image to B&W, then create an addin to display the picture, (one addin to display all would be far too much strain on the calcs stack). The pixels could be stored in a matrix or list and scrolling would change the screen accordingly. I dont think zooming would be possible

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