Here is my 2 cent:
It could be fantastic if a new GREAT calc comes out. Astro has written something that in these days could be released without an hardware too expensive.
A touch screen with hi resolution and color screen are in hundreds smartphone. So I think that is not an hardware problem. Is a SOFTWARE problem.
A new calc requires a new (GOOOD) software and I don't know if Casio (or someone else) intends to invest in something that I thing is not so profitable.
I dream that someone can build an open hardware calc with touchscreen anda a new software, but I think that this remains a dream...
With the many short comings of the new TI-nspire cas design, it would seem reasonable that Casio would take advantage of the situation by introducing a really "wow!" product that everyone will want, even the hard core TI users. They could introduce something like built in battery charger with rechargable batteries, hi resolution color screen, 3D graphing of multiple surfaces in color, optional step by step answers for educational purposes, and a more complete keyboard. Such a device would totally wipe out their competition and over night make the Classpad the "in" thing in high schools and colleges. Technically it is all possible. Do I think it will happen? If we were speaking of HP or TI, I'd say no. But with Casio, I'd say that there is a better than 50/50 chance that at least some of these features will occur in a new Classpad that is introduced within the next year or so.