G'day all!
Earlier this week my trusty ClassPad 330 decided to stop working. I've owned it since 2008 and I've only had to replace the batteries twice. The problem I'm having is that the calculator will turn on, but the software is unresponsive in regards to the touch screen input. I'm sure the screen itself is not faulty, as it will still power on by tapping the screen, however I've reset it, and I cannot tap the four crosses, it will not respond.
So while I'm fairly certain that it's a software issue, the question is "how to fix it?" The FA-CP1 and ClassPad Manager software will only respond to the calculator when it's Transfer mode - Windows does not see it otherwise. Any suggestions - I really need a working calculator for Engineering classes.

Help! Touchscreen On Classpad 330 Not Working!
Posted 06 March 2011 - 12:27 AM
Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:02 AM
Did you take a look at the forum's previous posts?
In this topic: http://www.casiocalc...?showtopic=5042 the guy had the same problem as you and fixed it just by changing the batteries. Also take a look at post #3 in there.
Posted 27 September 2011 - 10:02 PM
Did you take a look at the forum's previous posts?
In this topic: http://www.casiocalc...?showtopic=5042 the guy had the same problem as you and fixed it just by changing the batteries. Also take a look at post #3 in there.
Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:38 AM
G'day all!
Earlier this week my trusty ClassPad 330 decided to stop working. I've owned it since 2008 and I've only had to replace the batteries twice. The problem I'm having is that the calculator will turn on, but the software is unresponsive in regards to the touch screen input. I'm sure the screen itself is not faulty, as it will still power on by tapping the screen, however I've reset it, and I cannot tap the four crosses, it will not respond.
So while I'm fairly certain that it's a software issue, the question is "how to fix it?" The FA-CP1 and ClassPad Manager software will only respond to the calculator when it's Transfer mode - Windows does not see it otherwise. Any suggestions - I really need a working calculator for Engineering classes.
Hi there I just manage to fix mine

1. remove bateries for a while and put them back in
2. turn on classpad and randomly point ewry where on the screen with the pen for a while.
3. if you cant get to the menu, just leave your classpad in the calibration stage for a while, then the classpad will turn of and when you start it again it will be at the menu
3. connect your claspad to the computer and innstall The FA-CP1 and ClassPad Manager software (the classpad wil recognise the classpad at start to comunicate )
4. Update to with cp_update_306_2 (can be downloaded at casios hompage)
5. after the installation of new firmware mine is as god at it ever was for now;)
This worked for me, it might help for you too. Atleast give it a try and let me know how it worked out.
- MicroPro likes this
Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:22 AM
While updating the updater tells me to click Link>Install>OS Update. How did u manage that with a faulty touchscreen? I've allready bought a replacement CP, but I'd like to have 2. The old one stopped working during a 3 hour exam, wich was fatal...Hi there I just manage to fix mine
I'll tell you just how I didd it and lets hope it works for you.
1. remove bateries for a while and put them back in
2. turn on classpad and randomly point ewry where on the screen with the pen for a while.
3. if you cant get to the menu, just leave your classpad in the calibration stage for a while, then the classpad will turn of and when you start it again it will be at the menu
3. connect your claspad to the computer and innstall The FA-CP1 and ClassPad Manager software (the classpad wil recognise the classpad at start to comunicate )
4. Update to with cp_update_306_2 (can be downloaded at casios hompage)
5. after the installation of new firmware mine is as god at it ever was for now;)
This worked for me, it might help for you too. Atleast give it a try and let me know how it worked out.
Posted 23 January 2012 - 12:36 PM
I have the same problem. I tried to upgrade the OS but, the upgrade must be later than the installed OS.
4. Update to with cp_update_306_2 (can be downloaded at casios homepage)
The only OS in CASIO home page is OS Update for Ver.3.06.1000. This is the OS currently installed on my CP.
a solution is:
1. wait for new release
2.downgrade the OS version.
Posted 23 January 2012 - 12:55 PM
Posted 12 September 2012 - 10:19 PM
I've replaced the batteries but I can't calibrate the screen.
In the calibration screen, when I touch the first cross top-left and top-right nothing happens.
If I touch the cross bottom-left I see as the top-left cross is touched!
The same with bottom-right and top-right.
So I can not terminate the calibration process.
What can I do?
Throw the CP out of the window?
Posted 22 September 2012 - 08:28 PM
Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:21 PM
You might find various solutions if you search the forum thoroughly (use USB power, etc) which may help. But they're not general.
I think this is the first time I hear this happening on a 330 model (mostly it was a 300 PLUS issue before). Anyway whatever you do, please don't throw it out...
Edited by MicroPro, 25 September 2012 - 02:27 PM.
Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:45 PM
...please don't throw it out...
Yes, there are other ways to deal with a bricked calc than throwing it out.
You can email the appropriate casio representative with your problem, and see what they think is smart to do.
Email addresses can be found here: http://www.casioeduc...support/contact
Posted 25 September 2012 - 02:21 PM

Posted 25 September 2012 - 07:04 PM

Posted 26 September 2012 - 10:10 PM
Unfortunately all casio products in my location are not covered by a warranty, and some of my casio products are imported to me from other countries (EA-200 Casio Data Analyzer, EA2 sensor china and japan).The solution we know so far is to use your warranty
As you can see from my profile I love Casio Calculators and I collect some of them, so I bought another Classpad to replace the malfunction one.
Truly i'm sad about my CP and I tried hardly to find a solution especially in this forum which is the first ever forum for me. I even disassembled th CP trying to find maybe a hardware Issue that i can fix, also tried to down grade the OS version in an attempt to discover perhaps a software Issue but with no success.You might find various solutions if you search the forum thoroughly (use USB power, etc) which may help
So kindly lead me to one of the various solutions "useful one" please, that bring back CP to me.
definitely i wont.please don't throw it out...
Thank you flyingfisch, for the advice. I'll send an email.You can email the appropriate casio representative with your problem, and see what they think is smart to do.
I don’t think I’ve said something that deserves a warning! Only thing that I’m trying to find is a solution to as I think unsolved problem.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 05:10 PM
It seems that we are having a serious problem with the screen and no solution is found until now!!
Until now implies that a solution has been found. That is not the case.
I actually do not see how Forty-Two interpreted it as a message that may cause the user to throw away his calc, but I will say that the post did not really have any important content in it.
Please remember that we appreciate quality of posts more than quantity and then move on. This seems to be just a misunderstanding on both sides.

Posted 27 September 2012 - 05:59 PM
thank you for your Consolation.
ok, maybe removing the warning will make everybody happy.[This seems to be just a misunderstanding on both sides.
Edited by Forty-Two, 28 September 2012 - 12:06 AM.
Removed colors
Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:05 AM
- Your post was written in poor English that was much worse than your past posts
- Your post was not helpful, and did not add anything to the conversation.
- Your post implied that there was no way to fix the problem.
- Your previous post in this topic also implied that there was nothing that the user could do to solve their own problem. This is detrimental to the spirit we try to achieve at UCF.
- You had been inactive for >6 months, and you may have decided to use your old account to troll.
Based on these signs, I felt justified in issuing a warning point. Note that this is simply a warning; if you remedy your actions, there will be no consequences.
Posted 28 September 2012 - 02:51 PM
Well as you may noticed that my native language is not English, and I’m trying my best..Your post was written in poor English that was much worse than your past posts
I didn’t know that this forum is only for native English or “excellent English” language speakers! If my English quality is so poor you could have posted me in private so that I could have done something like say… ask an expert person to help me in my English.
In my opinion the problem in the touch screen is a software problem, so I wrote:.Your post implied that there was no way to fix the problem.
.Your previous post in this topic also implied that there was nothing that the user could do to solve their own problem.
This implies that there may be a fix to this problem in the next version of the OS.a solution is:
1. wait for new release
2.downgrade the OS version.
I agree with you about that. The UCF went in maintenance or a domain changes or so… I don’t know for sure but it was unavailable for me for some time until an email came to me announcing that the forum is back and I can use my old account. This maybe one reason for me being inactive..You had been inactive for >6 months, and you may have decided to use your old account to troll.
Once again I ask politely to remove the warning from a 5+ years member wrote a misinterpreted comment with an intension to solve a problem.
Posted 09 October 2012 - 03:18 PM
I've tried to conctact my country's casio service center, but the answer was not as so good.
My CP is not covered anymore by a warranty and the service center (that is not near my town) have advised me to send them the calculator, but I have to pay just to obtain a repair estimate, without the warranty that my calc can be repaired!
I figured that I would go to spend almost as much as the cost of a new calculator.
I cannot use my CP anymore: the usb power is not usefull, it is impossible to upgrade or downgrade del OS (you must execute some command on the CP during the installation), ...
Posted 14 January 2013 - 08:13 PM
La pantalla táctil tiene una vida de 3 ó 4 años.
Cuando la pantalla no funciona, la única solución es cambiarla, se hace en 5 minutos, pero hay un problema y es que CASIO no las quiere vender, yo he escrito a casioeuropa, a casioespaña y han pasado de mí. Tu única solución es llevarla al servicio técnico y que te cobren 100€, o sea un atraco.
Hay mucha gente como tú, en todo el mundo, si todos nos unimos podemos exigir a casio que nos venda pantallas de repuesto a un precio lógico, por tanto hay que mandar cartas desde todo el mundo a casio, que no nos digan que es un caso aislado el que se estropee una calculadora, mira, yo soy profesor de una academia en Madrid, mis alumnos utilizan esta calculadora, y a los 4 años como mucho FALLAN TODAS.
Tambien he intentado traer pantallas de China, pero no encuentro ninguna fábrica que tenga pantallas compatibles, esa sería otra solución, podeis buscar vosotros a ver si alguno tiene mas suerte que yo.
Si quieres saber mas cosas de la classpad, mi correo es: andres@unytec.com. te contestaré gustosamente.
Hello, my name is Andres Sanchez and I'll take any questions.
The touch screen has a life of 3 to 4 years.
When the display does not work, the only solution is to change it, is done in five minutes, but there is a problem and does not want to sell CASIO, I have written to casioeuropa to casioespaña and passed me. Your only solution is to take it for service and they charge you € 100, or a robbery.
There are many people like you around the world if we all come together we can demand that we sell casio replacement screens at a price of course, so we have to send letters from around the world casio, do not tell us that it is a isolated case which damaged a calculator, look, I'm an academy professor in Madrid, my students use this calculator, and 4 years as much FAIL ALL.
I have also tried to bring China screens, but can not find any factory have compatible screens, that would be another solution, you can look to see if you have any more luck than me.
If you want to know more about the classpad, my email is: andres@unytec.com. I will answer gladly.
- ECE likes this
Posted 01 February 2013 - 09:17 PM
I'll send you an email.
Posted 20 February 2013 - 07:44 AM
I hope you can do it. Thanks and good luck!
- MicroPro and javsalo like this
Posted 20 February 2013 - 08:01 PM
So what exactly is that video showing you how to do?
What does heating the glass do to the touchscreen? I don't really understand, but I'm glad you were able to get your classpad up and running again

Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:26 PM
Too late; but anyway what should we do against CASIO exactly to stop them?POST TRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE, EDITED BY MODERATOR:
Hello, my name is Andres Sanchez and I'll take any questions.
The touch screen has a life of 3 to 4 years.
When the display does not work, the only solution is to change it, is done in five minutes, but there is a problem and does not want to sell CASIO, I have written to casioeuropa to casioespaña and passed me. Your only solution is to take it for service and they charge you € 100, or a robbery.
There are many people like you around the world if we all come together we can demand that we sell casio replacement screens at a price of course, so we have to send letters from around the world casio, do not tell us that it is a isolated case which damaged a calculator, look, I'm an academy professor in Madrid, my students use this calculator, and 4 years as much FAIL ALL.
I have also tried to bring China screens, but can not find any factory have compatible screens, that would be another solution, you can look to see if you have any more luck than me.
If you want to know more about the classpad, my email is: andres@unytec.com. I will answer gladly.
Heating is a very common method among portable device fixers. It causes the junctions to "melt" a bit and their connection improves after becoming cold again. There are even amateur guides that teach you how to repair your dead cellphone using microwave ovens.What does heating the glass do to the touchscreen? I don't really understand, but I'm glad you were able to get your classpad up and running again

This is a very useful solution. I think you must try it BEFORE going under the $50 or so charge for repairing the screen by CASIO repair center. A good repairman can try it, and if it didn't help he must be able to close the screen and case to their original form so CASIO people don't know what you did.

Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:40 PM
my email holyshine55@yahoo.com
Posted 03 August 2014 - 06:43 PM
i found a solution for the touchpad problem. By simply heating up the display with a hair dryer!
hope it works also for you
- Valdis and squonk like this
Posted 30 October 2014 - 04:08 PM
Hi guys,
i found a solution for the touchpad problem. By simply heating up the display with a hair dryer!
hope it works also for you
It works!!!!!
I would like to thank soulsurvivor for the help.
Without disassembling anything, I tried to warm up with the hair dryer the ClassPad's screen: after a few minutes the screen is back to work!
Many thanks again!
Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:24 PM
You used a normal hair drier, not a heat gun? It seems like the heat would not be high enough, but hey, if it works.
If this thread is solved now, you should click "mark solved" under the best answer.
So this must work the way putting a motherboard in the oven to try to revive it does?
Posted 01 November 2014 - 11:22 AM
You used a normal hair drier, not a heat gun? It seems like the heat would not be high enough, but hey, if it works.
If this thread is solved now, you should click "mark solved" under the best answer.
So this must work the way putting a motherboard in the oven to try to revive it does?
Yes, I used a normal hair drier (at max power). During heating, I used the stylus to press the screen (specially on border).
Since yesterday my Classpad works perfectly!!!
Posted 01 November 2014 - 08:25 PM
I took my old ClassPad 300PLUS. It lay in the drawer for a long time because it's touchscreen did not work. I warmed the screen with hair dryer about two minutes. Nothing. Calculator cool down and then it works. Hurray! Not perfectly, but works. My good old ClassPad.
Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:10 PM
Maybe I exulted too soon!
After some days with no problems, today the touchscreen of my classpad has stopped working properly (sigh!).
Can someone explain why? What's the problem? Can this problem be fixed permanently?
Posted 25 November 2014 - 12:03 PM
All what you need to do, if you could run your Class pad 300 even for once, is this:
1. go to System
2. Initialize
3. Delete everything, including Add-In applications.
your Class pad will restart and the touch screen will work normally like a new one.
Good luck.
Posted 02 February 2015 - 04:58 PM
It didn't work
Then,I used a hairdryer on it for 1minute (use it near
the screen although it mustn't touch it but it should be very very close) and then touch started to work normally.
Hope I help.
Kisses to all(
Posted 12 March 2015 - 03:23 PM
Unfortunately my touch screen seems to die . During the calibration works only the lower part of the screen . I managed to revive him using a hair dryer but it did not last long ... after a few days the problem came back ... I wonder how I could order a new screen online because the casio service in my country could not help me?
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