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funny error

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#1 Bob Vila

Bob Vila

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Posted 15 July 2003 - 03:35 PM

i got this error this morning when i tried to reach the site,

mySQL query error: SELECT mod.mid as is_mod, m.id, m.name, m.mgroup, m.password, m.email, m.allow_post, m.view_sigs, m.view_avs, m.view_pop, m.view_img, m.auto_track,
                              m.mod_posts, m.language, m.skin, m.new_msg, m.show_popup, m.msg_total, m.time_offset, m.posts, m.joined, m.last_post,
                  m.last_visit, m.last_activity, m.dst_in_use, m.view_prefs, g.*
                  FROM ib_members m
                    LEFT JOIN ib_groups g ON (g.g_id=m.mgroup)
                    LEFT JOIN ib_moderators mod ON (mod.member_id=m.id OR mod.group_id=m.mgroup )
                  WHERE m.id='101'

mySQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)
mySQL error code: 2002
Date: Tuesday 15th of July 2003 08:32:04 AM

what does it mean? but the site seems to be working now, earlier i couldn't even access the site.

#2 2072


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Posted 15 July 2003 - 05:15 PM

Well it means that the MySQL server was unavailable so the forum couldn't work...

#3 Bob Vila

Bob Vila

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Posted 15 July 2003 - 06:00 PM

hmmm... that's wierd :)

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