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Forum Rules

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#1 2072


    Casio over god

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  • Gender:Male
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  • Interests:Alternative states of consciousness, programming, making things work the best they possibly can.

  • Calculators:
    AFX2 ROM 1.02, CFX-9940GT+, FX-180P-Plus

Posted 07 April 2012 - 01:35 AM

I'd like to remember everyone that there are rules to follow on this forum. Rules that haven't been enforced recently (mainly due to my lack of activity on this forum). This lack of compliance has just cost casiocalc.org its advertiser and therefore its source of revenue.

Here is a link to the rules: http://www.casiocalc...?act=boardrules

I'd like to emphasize one rule in particular: no link to copyrighted materials whatsoever.

Casiocalc.org has always been about hacking calculators, enhancing them, making them better. Hacking must be a win/win situation for you, the users/creators and Casio. If Casio is hurt by one of your hack then your 'hack' is probably better described as a 'crack', a selfish act.
So keep this in mind, if you hurt Casio, in the end, you're hurting the whole community since Casio will be less likely to support us in the future if we are interfering with their business.

The current active moderators (flyingfisch, MicroPro and Forty-Two) will be enforcing those rules.

You're welcome to post in this thread to discuss the matter.

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