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A List Editor In Casio Basic

Casimo FlyingFisch

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#1 Naga



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 07:19 AM

Hey all,
I need to draw a 4 Columns and N rows matix in Casio basic.
I need to store the values of Column 1 in list 1, column 2 in list and so on.
Can this be done.
What are the suggestions?
Please help.

#2 somebody1234


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 07:37 AM

For a matrix, you can use the linear format.
An example is [[0,0,0][0,0,0][0,0,0]]->Mat A.
There are commas between values in the same row, which is enclosed in a set of square brackets.
The rows are listed in order and then the entire thing is enclosed in square brackets.
Then, you use Mat A[1,1]->List 11 to store the value in column 1 row 1 of Matrix A in the first entry of List 1.
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