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Casio Fx-9750G Plus Cable Help


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#1 endriklos977



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 11:05 AM

Ok i'm new to this forum, and i was wondering if i could make a cable for my FX-9750G Plus. Do you still need the circuit if you connect the 2.5 mm straight in the usb, not converting serial to usb on the way? And if you still need it, is it any diffrent form the serial port's circuit?
Please, reply if you know anything!

#2 3298


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Posted 31 July 2014 - 07:20 AM

Of course there has to be a controller in the middle, the USB and serial protocols are different. (The voltage levels should be as well, so by connecting them directly you might end up with a toasted calculator.) I think nobody has built a home-made USB<->2.5mm cable yet, so you'll have to do everything yourself, probably including the controller's code for protocol translation. The 2.5mm<->9-pin cable's chip only had to do voltage level conversion, so your controller will end up being a lot of work.
The easier solution would be to make a normal 2.5mm<->9-pin serial cable and plug that into a normal serial port. If you don't have one, get a computer with one, or get a USB<->9-pin adapter, but mind that some types do not work with the transfer software. You'll have to use the internet serach engine of your choice to find reports of working adapters.

#3 endriklos977



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Posted 31 July 2014 - 12:17 PM

No, i have a desktop computer, i think i have it and if i dont, i have the usb to serial cable too. I asked this because i saw someone on ebay selling a cable with no circuit, but the usb plug was pretty big, so mabye its in there. Also, i havent found a simple small code of pong anywhere? Most are very long or dont work.

Thanks for answering BTW

#4 endriklos977



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Posted 31 July 2014 - 12:36 PM

Also, could i use an arduino Uno or raspberry pi as the circuit?

#5 endriklos977



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Posted 03 August 2014 - 12:07 PM


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cable

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