The Mandelbrot fractal is quite a sight.
Such wonder and amazement that can be found while viewing the Mandelbrot fractal can now be had on the Casio Prizm graphing calculator.
In addition this program can also be compiled for the PC assuming SDL is installed.
Just run make and it will be up and running.
There is very little difference in function between the PC version and the casio prizm version, the resolution is higher but that is it.
The controls are
Left, right, up, down moves the window in that direction
Menu key or ESC on the PC, exits to the menu or exits the program (PC)
F1 sets maximum iterations to 65535
F2 sets the maximum iterations to 224 (this is the default upon starting the program)
F3 toggles deep mode which is on by default. This means you can zoom in deeper with a slight performance hit.
I do not notice the difference
1 subtracts one from the maximum iterations
2 adds one to the maximum iterations
3 subtracts ten from the maximum iterations
4 adds ten to the maximum iterations
5 subtracts 100 from the maximum iterations
6 adds 100 to the maximum iterations
Shift zooms in
Alpha (ALT on PC) zooms out
Source code
Screen shots (from the PC version which gets very similar output differing only in resolution).
Anyways if you have any bug report(s), feature request(s), pull request(s), patch(es) or whatever relates to this I would be happy to hear about them.

Casio Prizm Mandelbrot Explorer
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:41 PM
- MicroPro, flyingfisch and Viliami like this
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:44 PM
Mind. Blown. Those are beautiful, man!
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:45 PM
Thank you flyingfisch have you have you tried this on your calculator at all? I have not heard much feedback from my program. I wonder how well it works for people.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:47 PM
Unfortunately my PRIZM broke, so I cannot test it, sorry :-\
Also, Hello ProgrammerNerd and welcome to UCF! You should introduce yourself.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 07:28 AM
I've not got a Prizm, too so can't check, but I do like such projects.
The only time I implemented Wikipedia's algorithm for Mandelbrot it looked like kids' code. If you've implemented the Mandelbrot algorithm parts yourself, what algorithm are you using? Also what is your color palette and in what color space? (you don't directly produce RGB colors do you?)
Posted 12 September 2014 - 09:22 PM
Posted 13 September 2014 - 06:56 AM
Also the algorithm to generate the colors is very simple IterationsCount*0xFFFF/MaximumIterations 0xFFFF is what color is pure white in the rgb565 colorspace.
So the color shifts from dark blue to green and then to red as the iterations increase. Beautiful!
I got some ideas and will try to hack your code next time I login into Linux (SDL is enough to run the #ifdef PC version, right?)
Posted 13 September 2014 - 03:21 PM
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