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Try To Hack Your Classwiz Models!

ClassWiz Hack

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#1 Hikari Calyx

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 10:35 AM

Well, I'm from Baidu fx-ES(MS) bar which is a community to discuss calculators. My ID is jyx8151 there.


I'm going to introduce how to hack your Casio ClassWiz Models.

Right now, It should be available in these models:

fx-570EX, fx-991EX, fx-82CN X, fx-350CN X, fx-95CN X, fx-991CN X, fx-530AZ, fx-JP500, fx-JP700, fx-JP900, fx-570AR X, fx-991AR X, fx-92 Speciale College, fx-92B Speciale College, fx-87DE X, fx-991DE X, fx-570SP X Iberia, fx-991SP X Iberia.

If you don't have these models, you may use an emulator. It's available on Casio World Education Website for 90-day-trial except for fx-82/350/95/991CN X and fx-JP500/700/900.

Unfortunately, you can't hack fx-82/85/350EX, fx-82/95AR X, fx-82/350SP X Iberia, fx-95CN X VerB right now because Casio fixed this leak.

It may also work on fx-570VN PLUS, fx-915ES, fx-995ES.


The basic tutorial to hack is making an empty box on the screen:

1. 1[÷][(][(]1, along with 13 square roots, 1.

2. Move the cursor to the end.

3. Alpha[∫] or Alpha[x^3] in order to input a colon ":", then input another square root.

4. For fx-82/350/95CN X VerA and fx-991CN X VerA/VerB, press [=] twice, then syntax error. Press left, and delete others but leave the empty box alone.

5. For fx-991CN X VerC and other models , press [CALC],[=], and you may get the same result.

6. After you get an empty box, press left to make the cursor is at the left of box, then press right, then you may see the cursor won't move.

7. Then you can input anything in order to hack the calculator. For more details, I'll edit this post later. If you find the empty box won't appear, please make a reply and tell me your models and version in diagnostic mode.




P.S. Only Chinese and Vietnamese Casio Calculators have an anti-counterfeit label. To get the sum and Px info, press MENU when CY-2xx appears.

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#2 anon34


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Posted 06 November 2016 - 02:17 PM

Actually you only have to type 12 square-roots.

This is caused by new feature that is auto add bracket to clarify meaning, as in          1/AB    ->   1/(AB)     .

You don't need the third 1, only



#3 anon34


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 01:27 PM

The "overflow" hack can also be used.


1. Enter linear mode

2. Enter X=Sigma(X,1,1*10^(9

3. [CALC] [=] AC/on [RIGHT]

4. Delete the 1*10^(9, replace by 2

5. [CALC] [=].


Oddly the hack can also be used with 1*10^(0.

#4 12345calc



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Posted 25 January 2017 - 07:34 PM

Hello, I managed to hack my fx-92 Speciale College:

1. Empty box on the screen (as you described - insert 1÷1((1 along with 13 square roots, then colon and another square root, [CALC] [=] [left] delete all and left box alone).

2. With the cursor before the box, press and hold [right] for 2-3 seconds

3. Input something, while writing the box may disappear, then a character appears and "dances".
If you keep writing, something similar to what you started inputting appears on the screen, and after some time the calculator crashes.

I wasn't able to do anything more, has someone managed to find some more interesting hacks for this kind of Casio calcs models?

#5 fishkiller2



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Posted 21 February 2017 - 03:07 PM

Just did it on my FX991 DE X works great!
Version: https://imgur.com/NMYols2

I found that spamming a single number (like 1 or 9) to the empty box brings up an @ to the screen

Maybe you guys have some other interesting tricks

#6 tpcfx17



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Posted 04 April 2017 - 05:52 PM

Hello there,

i've tried to hack my Casio FX-87 DE X Classwiz, but this doesn't works.

I get to the empty box but after this i don't know, how to go on.


Thanks for replieing


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#7 anon34


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:36 AM

Hello there,
i've tried to hack my Casio FX-87 DE X Classwiz, but this doesn't works.
I get to the empty box but after this i don't know, how to go on.
Thanks for replieing

It is abnormal by itself. You means, "there is no impressive effect like garbled screen or something" - you have to find out them yourself.

#8 critor


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 12:15 AM



May be clearer for fx-92SC owners with some pictures of the targeted input, since the french keypad is quite different :



Also I don't know if you noticed, but we are getting a new fx-92+SC for back to school 2018.

It now has :

- the spreadsheet app

- a completely new app for editing and running a program, written in a Logo/Scratch-like language.


You can try it in the new Manager software :



By using the QR Code, you can get the new (french) tokens encoding.


Here is what I could find out :

21 : e
22 : π
23 : :
25 : ?
2C : ;
2D : ×10
2E : ,
30 : 0
31 : 1
32 : 2
33 : 3
34 : 4
35 : 5
36 : 6
37 : 7
38 : 8
39 : 9
40 : M
41 : Rép (Ans)
42 : A
43 : B
44 : C
45 : D
46 : E
47 : F
48 : x
49 : y
4A : Pré-Rép
4C : θ
60 : (
68 : Abs(
69 : Rnd(
6C : sinh(
6D : cosh(
6E : tanh(
6F : sinh⁻¹(
70 : cosh⁻¹(
71 : tanh⁻¹(
72 : e^
73 : 10^
74 : √(
75 : ln(
76 : ³√(
77 : sin(
78 : cos(
79 : tan(
7A : Arcsin(
7B : Arccos(
7C : Arctan(
7D : log(
7E : Pol
7F : Rec
83 : Ent(
84 : EntEx(
87 : RanInt#(
88 : PGCD(
89 : PPCM(
8A : Arond(
A5 : =
A6 : +
A7 : -
A8 : ×
A9 : ÷
AA : ⊢
AD : P
AE : C
C0 : -
C8 : ⌋
C9 : ^(
CA : ×√(
D0 : )
D4 : ⁻¹
D5 : ²
D6 : ³
D7 : %
D8 : !
D9 : °
DA : ʳ
DB : ᵍ
DC : °
DD : E
DE : P
DF : T
E0 : G
E1 : M
E2 : k
E3 : m
E4 : μ
E5 : n
E6 : p
E7 : f
E9 : ▶Simp
F901 : end of line
F902 : end of program
F903 : empty line
F905 ... 00 : Avancer de ...
F906 ... 00 : Tourner de ↺ ...
F907 ... 00 : S'orienter à ...
F908 ... 00 ... 00 : Aller à x=... ; y=...
F909 : Stylo écrit
F90A : Stylo relevé
F90B ... 00 ... 00 : ... → ... (mettre var à)
F90C ... 00 : ? → ... (Demander valeur)
F90D3100 : "Oui"
F90D3200 : "Non"
F90D3300 : "Nombre?"
F90D3400 : "Résultat:"
F90E ... 00 : Afficher résult ...
F90F3100 : Style Flèche
F90F3200 : Style Croix
F910 : Attendre
F911 ... 00 : Répéter ...
F912 : ⤴ (end of Répéter)
F913 ... 00 : Répéter jusqu'à ...
F914 : ⤴ (end of Répéter jusqu'à)
F915 ... 00 : Si ... Alors [... Fin]
F916 : Fin (end of Si/Alors)
F917 ... 00 : Si ... Alors [... Sinon ... Fin]
F918 : Sinon
F919 : Fin (end of Si/Alors/Sinon)
FB01 : <
FB02 : >
FB03 : ≠
FB04 : ≤
FB05 : ≥
FB10 : →M
FB12 : →A
FB13 : →B
FB14 : →C
FB15 : →D
FB16 : →E
FB17 : →F
FB18 : →x
FB19 : →y
FB1A : M+
FB1B : M-
FD18 : Ran#
Here's a script with as many simple instructions as I could type, 223 of them :

Stylo relevé
Stylo écrit
Stylo écrit
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And here's the QR Code url :



With 2 bytes for each instruction + 2 bytes for the new line + the end of the progam, it takes 894 bytes.

Maybe it means we have 1KB work memory on the calculator.

Edited by critor, 15 September 2018 - 10:36 PM.

#9 anon34


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Posted 25 June 2018 - 09:28 AM

List of symbols accessible from 92+ Spéciale Collège in math input mode: (for convenience)

22 : π
23 : :
2C : ;
2D : ×10
2E : ,
30 : 0
31 : 1
32 : 2
33 : 3
34 : 4
35 : 5
36 : 6
37 : 7
38 : 8
39 : 9
40 : M
41 : Rép
42 : A
43 : B
44 : C
45 : D
46 : E
47 : F
48 : x
49 : y
4A : Pré-Rép
60 : (
69 : Rnd(
75 : ln(
77 : sin(
78 : cos(
79 : tan(
7A : Arcsin(
7B : Arccos(
7C : Arctan(
7D : log(
7E : Pol(
7F : Rec(
83 : Ent(
84 : EntEx(
87 : RanInt#(
88 : PGCD(
89 : PPCM(
8A : Arond(
A5 : =
A6 : +
A7 : -
A8 : ×
A9 : ÷
AA : ⊢
C0 : -
C8 : ⌟
D0 : )
D7 : %
D8 : !
D9 : °
DA : ʳ
DB : ᵍ
DC : ▫
E9 : ▶Simp
FD18 : Ran#

Assignment operators:

FB10 : →M
FB12 : →A
FB13 : →B
FB14 : →C
FB15 : →D
FB16 : →E
FB17 : →F
FB18 : →x
FB19 : →y
FB1A : M+
FB1B : M-

Operators with special MathIO forms:

68 : Abs(
C9 : ^(
CA : ˣ√(
72 : e^
73 : 10^
74 : √(

Edited by user202729, 25 June 2018 - 09:43 AM.

#10 critor


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Posted 25 June 2018 - 09:49 AM

Thanks, just edited. :)

#11 guidosl



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Posted 11 September 2018 - 11:15 PM

Well, I'm from Baidu fx-ES(MS) bar which is a community to discuss calculators. My ID is jyx8151 there.


I'm going to introduce how to hack your Casio ClassWiz Models.

Right now, It should be available in these models:

fx-570EX, fx-991EX, fx-82CN X, fx-350CN X, fx-95CN X, fx-991CN X, fx-530AZ, fx-JP500, fx-JP700, fx-JP900, fx-570AR X, fx-991AR X, fx-92 Speciale College, fx-92B Speciale College, fx-87DE X, fx-991DE X, fx-570SP X Iberia, fx-991SP X Iberia.

If you don't have these models, you may use an emulator. It's available on Casio World Education Website for 90-day-trial except for fx-82/350/95/991CN X and fx-JP500/700/900.

Unfortunately, you can't hack fx-82/85/350EX, fx-82/95AR X, fx-82/350SP X Iberia, fx-95CN X VerB right now because Casio fixed this leak.

It may also work on fx-570VN PLUS, fx-915ES, fx-995ES.


The basic tutorial to hack is making an empty box on the screen:

1. 1[÷][(][(]1, along with 13 square roots, 1.

2. Move the cursor to the end.

3. Alpha[∫] or Alpha[x^3] in order to input a colon ":", then input another square root.

4. For fx-82/350/95CN X VerA and fx-991CN X VerA/VerB, press [=] twice, then syntax error. Press left, and delete others but leave the empty box alone.

5. For fx-991CN X VerC and other models , press [CALC],[=], and you may get the same result.

6. After you get an empty box, press left to make the cursor is at the left of box, then press right, then you may see the cursor won't move.

7. Then you can input anything in order to hack the calculator. For more details, I'll edit this post later. If you find the empty box won't appear, please make a reply and tell me your models and version in diagnostic mode.




P.S. Only Chinese and Vietnamese Casio Calculators have an anti-counterfeit label. To get the sum and Px info, press MENU when CY-2xx appears.



work with fx-82LA X ???



#12 critor


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    Graph 95 (fx-9860GII SD)

Posted 15 September 2018 - 10:37 PM

Just edited my list above, regarding the fx-92+SC programming language tokens :

F901 = end of line
F902 = end of program
F903 = empty line

#13 siealex


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Posted 09 February 2020 - 07:21 PM

Is the sequence in the first post correct? It looks like it must be 1, /, 1, ((, sqrt sqrt sqrt... 

Edited by siealex, 09 February 2020 - 07:28 PM.

#14 jakiki6



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Posted 19 October 2020 - 01:18 PM

I started "hacking" my fx911 dex and found out how this exploit works.


So first of all you have to know  how the box and the root sign are represented in memory:


74 1a 19 1b


The 74 is for the root sign. The 1a is the start and the 1b the terminator byte for things that belong under the root sign.

The 19 is our empty box.


That's the part after we made our box:


74 19 1b


Do you see it? We are missing a 1a. That means that we can delete the 74 (that's the root sign and the "(") so we have:


19 1b


Now we hold the right arrow so the pointer to where we write changes. If we start writing without pressing it, it would override our box.


In this case, we can type "1" to write out of bounds:


19 1b 00 31 31 31 ...


It crashes because the check to see if we hit 256 bytes checks the length by counting the bytes from the start to the first 00 byte. That means that we can write further and further until we crash something.


I hope I could help understanding the exploit.


Btw we can't do anything useful with it because the crashing bytes is ~ 128 bytes away from the next used memory for the random seed.

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#15 jakiki6



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Posted 19 October 2020 - 01:25 PM

Edit: The calculator crashes if the level of 1a and 1b doesn't match. So:


valid: 74 1a 19 1b

invalid: 74 1b 19 1a

invalid: 1b

however valid: 19 1b

invalid: 74 1a 19 1b 1b

#16 Broidk



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Posted 11 January 2023 - 02:19 PM

Does anyone know a hack for the fx-83gt x claswiz.

#17 Soool1244



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Posted 12 May 2023 - 08:47 AM

It doesn't work on my calculator. I did every step several times, but after pressing "CALC", the calculator's cursor disappears, and I can either return to the menu or restart.

My model is Casio fx-991 DE X Classwiz.

In Diagnostic mode, it says:

"CY-251 VerF
P00 Read OK"

I can reach it by holding "SHIFT" and "7", and then pressing "ON". I hit "6", and then "2", to see this.

#18 casio basic user

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 05:35 AM

The way it works is like how you get r in ES models
Using a formula that is tall enough and calculating it doesn't make any errors in order to get a null byte for r (ES) or get byte 19 (ballet box) in classwiz to clone or make any bytes 
NOTICE: overflow is the same as byte 19 exploits
you should bring FDFD (character converter) out not hiding it in the null byte because when you get out of the null byte it disappears
FDFD should appear as y nf (most calculators) or nlbf 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ClassWiz, Hack

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