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Can I Save An Equation To Memory?

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#1 Tobes



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Posted 27 December 2015 - 05:14 PM


I'm trying to create a program, which involves the user entering the equation they'd like to solve.

For example, the user will be prompted with "ENTER THE EQUATION". The user enters "ln x". I want to be able to take that, and replace X with whatever I want.


I realize that I could just assign the variable X to a value, but I want to perform multiple operations so I need to "save" the equation. Something like the graph app, "Y1=" "Y2=" perhaps?


Hope this makes sense. If you have any ideas, please let me know!


#2 Sheepolution



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Posted 27 December 2015 - 09:09 PM

The big problem is that you can't save text as a variable. The alternative is to have a numbervalue for every character.


So to answer your question, sort of. Yes, it is possible, I think, but the solution is so stupid that you probably shouldn't do it.

Edited by Sheepolution, 27 December 2015 - 09:09 PM.

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#3 Viliami


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Posted 27 December 2015 - 11:49 PM

You should program it with the Casio SDK, and copy it as an add-in.

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#4 Tobes



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Posted 28 December 2015 - 03:31 PM

You should program it with the Casio SDK, and copy it as an add-in.


Thanks for this. I've managed to get the SDK setup and the test "debug" application is working. Is there any documentation on the SDK? Like a list of available functions/example applications?


Edit: I've found "SDK manuals" at https://edu.casio.co...load/index.html

Edited by Tobes, 28 December 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#5 Viliami


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Posted 28 December 2015 - 11:30 PM

Inside the SDK manuals, the basic functions you should look at is the Bdisp library and the different Print functions.


Bdisp is a graphics library, you can use it to clear the screen, draw boxes, place pixels and draw lines.

The "Print" function is the Casio SDK version of "Locate" function but without the x and y coordinates. On the SDK it is two seperate functions, Print("insert text to display here") and Locate(x,y).

Locate moves the cursor to the place you want and then Print displays the text there.

And I think PrintXY(), displays the text at the x and y pixel coordinates, instead of the text cursor coordinates.


You should also know that some of the functions don't work on the newer versions of the calculator.

This is because Casio changed the CPU on the newer fx-9860GII, they were upgraded from SH3 to SH4A.

If you got your Calculator from after 2012 than it should be the newer model, the IsKeyDown() function doesn't work anymore.

Here are some other ones that don't work: http://www.casiopeia...php?f=20&t=1421


Also, this thread is useful, it tells you how to get IsKeyDown() working with the SH4 models: http://community.cas...lopment-thread/

Edited by Viliami, 29 December 2015 - 12:37 AM.

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