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School Project - Need Some Help To File Transfer Faster

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#1 Marhell



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Posted 11 May 2016 - 10:22 AM

Hi there!


I've been lurking around on this forum for a couple of days, following different tutorials to be able to transfer files and suchs into Casio FX 9860 GII.


I have managed to do using FA 124, I've also managed with fx 9860 Emulator to save files as .g1e. Which I then transfer to the calculator and are able to read and open them.


But there's a cathc doing so which require alot of time. And thats when I copy/paste something that I've already written into a word document. If there is text, all text happens to appear on one line.

This makes me copy about 40 words at a time, which I then need to click -> through and press enter everytime I hit the end of the screen. This require heck loads of time, which I'm currently short of.


I also found a familiar thread where it is explained in the beginning that you can download textreader.

So far that hasn't worked.


The reason this is a school project is because I'm doing this for myself and 4 other people.

There's a total of 33 pages of word documents and formulas with explanations I would like to add to the calcuator.

I've figured that I spend about 1 hour to complete one page. Which makes it take 33 hours, due the fact that I'm the only person who got a PC using Windows while the others have MAC/OS. They can't download either FA-124 or fx1960emulator


Therefor I've come here for help, hoping any of you could give me a link or a good explanation on how I can copy/paste where it doesn't end up on one line only. 



- Marhell


#2 Viliami


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 11:03 AM

Here is an online line-shortener.



Just change the length to the amount of characters in a line on the Fx-9860GII. You might also want to untick the checkbox which says "don't break words"

Edited by Viliami, 11 May 2016 - 11:04 AM.

#3 Marhell



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Posted 11 May 2016 - 11:41 AM

Hi and thanks for fast reply!


Your link worked online, but not when pasting into the fx9860emulator. 

Everything still ended up on one single line.


I tried hitting enter several times incase it wouldn't start on second or further sentences. That didn't work either.


Do you have any other options?

I.ex adding a normal file into the calculator that can be read?


- Marhell

#4 Viliami


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 04:32 AM

Try this program instead: https://sourceforge....s/edit-fx9860g/


It is an add-in, you can copy it to your calculator using FA-124, it is a text reader that reads .txt files and it has a word wrap feature, meaning character that are overflown are put on a new line.


Once you've installed the program, just copy the .txt files onto your calculator using the FA-124 tool, and then open the .txt files on your calculator with the EDIT add-in.


When you copy the .txt file it will be stored in the "storage memory" (as opposed to the "main memory"), so when you open up EDIT add-in, press F5 (ROOT) and then F5 again (smem), and then scroll through and file your file and open it.


The EDIT program will automatically wrap text, so you do not need to change the files anymore.

Edited by Viliami, 12 May 2016 - 04:50 AM.

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