Hi there!
I've been lurking around on this forum for a couple of days, following different tutorials to be able to transfer files and suchs into Casio FX 9860 GII.
I have managed to do using FA 124, I've also managed with fx 9860 Emulator to save files as .g1e. Which I then transfer to the calculator and are able to read and open them.
But there's a cathc doing so which require alot of time. And thats when I copy/paste something that I've already written into a word document. If there is text, all text happens to appear on one line.
This makes me copy about 40 words at a time, which I then need to click -> through and press enter everytime I hit the end of the screen. This require heck loads of time, which I'm currently short of.
I also found a familiar thread where it is explained in the beginning that you can download textreader.
So far that hasn't worked.
The reason this is a school project is because I'm doing this for myself and 4 other people.
There's a total of 33 pages of word documents and formulas with explanations I would like to add to the calcuator.
I've figured that I spend about 1 hour to complete one page. Which makes it take 33 hours, due the fact that I'm the only person who got a PC using Windows while the others have MAC/OS. They can't download either FA-124 or fx1960emulator
Therefor I've come here for help, hoping any of you could give me a link or a good explanation on how I can copy/paste where it doesn't end up on one line only.
- Marhell