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CASIO ClassPad 300 SDK on Windows 7 64Bit

CASIO Classpad 300 SDK Windows 7 64bit IDE compability programming compiling

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#1 Tobi



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Posted 28 December 2016 - 01:06 AM

Hello, community!

It took me damn forever to get the CASIO ClassPad 300 SDK running properly on my Windows 7 64Bit and it actually runs smooth - until I try to compile it. At the end of the progress, the compiler calls the "compress.exe" which is in the bin of the SDK. However, the application fails to execute: "The verison of "compress.exe" is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) verion of the program, and then contact the software publisher." which leads the whole process to fail.
Probably, "compress.exe" is developed in 16bit which is not compatible with 64bit Windows but I really don't wanna install the whole thing again in a virtual computer or something.
Anyone knows a trick or is there something I missed?

#2 frankmar98


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Posted 14 January 2017 - 01:22 PM

I own a Core 2 Duo ancient laptop with Windows 10 32 bits only for working with calculators.


You can try to run compress.exe in compatibility mode (Windows XP), but if it is designed for any Windows before windows 95 it won't work.


If this doesn't works, you can try on another computer with 32 bits Windows or create a virtual machine. 


In the virtual machine, using Virtual Box, is impossible to connect any calculator, only is useful for development.


P.D: Now, you can legally install windows 10 32 bits free, without any cost (but you can't personalize the OS). Perfect for calculators!

P.D.2: Today a Pentium 4 / D / Core 2 duo computer is extremely cheap

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: CASIO, Classpad, 300, SDK, Windows 7, 64bit, IDE, compability, programming, compiling

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