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Firmware flashing failure Casio fx-9750Gii (Help!)

Flash Casio 9750GII Natural Display Flashing Firmware Mods Mod Help

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#1 Plaidx



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Posted 07 December 2017 - 12:48 AM

I was trying to get Natural Display on my Casio fx-9750Gii Calculator and during the flashing process it said there was a problem flashing and it stopped. Before i began the flash I believe my calculator's version was  either 02.04.0701 or  02.04.0700. I guess something bad happened during the process because now my calculator's version is 02.04.0201 . How can i fix this? I have tried to find a fix for the past few weeks with no luck.

#2 GodOfCows


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Posted 13 December 2017 - 04:17 PM

You should have made a backup file of your calc before flashing, if you did you should try to upload that to your calc. Otherwise you could go and try to find that os version on the internet and try uploading that. However, if there isn't a difference between the versions then I wouldn't risk it. There is always a chance (very small) it will fry your calc when flashing.

I tried doing this and eventually gave up (They patched this exploit with the new os's, probably what happen to you) and got the fx-9860gii.

Good luck

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Flash, Casio, 9750GII, Natural Display, Flashing, Firmware, Mods, Mod, Help

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