Hello. First time poster here
I've recently added a Classpad II to my collection. One of old favorite programs on my other Casio graphics machines is a program I wrote years ago (first time on my original FX7000G) that plots a solid of revolution around X,Y points specified by the user. Previously I've used the 'Plot' command with the pause triangle thing in a program to pause execution, show the graph image, and get the user to move a pointer to a location on screen, which is then stored in the X and Y variables when the user presses EXE.
I've tried this with the Classpad, and it's complaining that I'm not supplying arguments to the plot command. I can see they're not optional in the programming manual.
So, my question is - is there an easy way to graphically and programatically get a coordinate from the user? I can't find salient anything in the manual, and while I'm quite capable, I'd rather not have to spend time writing a subroutine that fiddles about with getkey and the like if there's something hidden away that will already do the job.
Thanks in advance.