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Need a calculator for UNI

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#1 jamston45



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Posted 01 August 2019 - 09:29 AM

Hi everyone,


First post to ask a question.


I am starting a degree in September for Civil Engineering and we have been given a list of calculators we are allowed due to exams on the course.


Casio FX-9750GII

Texas Instruments TI-84


the work we will be doing in maths will include

  • Numerical and algebraic skills.
  • Standard mathematical functions and their properties: Linear, Power, Logarithm and Exponential functions, Trigonometric functions, rules and identities.
  • Determinants: Expansion of 2 ×2 and 3×3 determinants, Cramer’s rule to solve simultaneous linear equations.
  • Vectors: Parallelogram and Triangle rules, Position vectors, Components of a vector, Unit vectors, Scalar and Vector products.
  • Complex Numbers: Argand diagrams, Cartesian, Polar and Exponential forms, DeMoivre’s Theorem.
  • Differentiation: Standard derivatives, Product, Quotient and Function of a Function rules, Stationary values.
  • Integration: Standard integrals, Integration by Substitution, by Parts, by Partial Fractions. Application to areas, volumes, centroids etc.

Which one of the above does everyone think is best? I am after something that can be programmed with all/some of the above to enable quick calculations




#2 pan.gejt


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Posted 02 August 2019 - 09:52 AM

Both calcs are great, TI-84 have MathPrint feature and none of the mentioned calcs have CAS so they cannot perform symbolic manipulations and calculations. 

Both calcs are able to compute determinants (of course there are other commands for manipulating with matrices- ref, rreef, addition, multiplication, power...), so roots by using Cramer’s rule can be easily found (numerically, not symbolically)

There are no vectors menu in both calcs, but you can create your own programs.

I created e.g. following program for computing with vectors


There are similar programs for TI-84, e.g.


Computation with complex are available on both calcs (power, absolute value, addition, substraction, multiplication, division conjugation)

Differentiation and Integration can be solved numerically only. Don't expect symbolic results like d(x^2)/dx = 2*x, int (x^2 dx) = x^3/3

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