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Full Calculator Font in Casio-580VN X? And how to type it to screen?

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#1 caophihung



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Posted 11 September 2023 - 11:49 AM

Hello, i'm vietnamese and i'm using a Casio-580VN X
One day, i have seen a tutorial on how to type English letters so i could do it
I know my calculator uses Vietnamese letters too but i don't know how to type it
Help me pls 

#2 580vnxstarter



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Posted 12 October 2023 - 04:49 PM

Here is the characters table


#3 unegoist



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Posted 17 October 2023 - 12:09 PM

Hi, I'm new to this forum.

I don't really understand the characters table. How do you actually type it?

#4 Steveyboi



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Posted 20 October 2023 - 05:02 PM

I assume you guys came here from MeowIce and I Like Tortoises?


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#5 casio basic user

casio basic user


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Posted 15 December 2023 - 12:39 PM

i have the website here


this contains all the font used in CW/EX/ES models with JP/CN/SR/VN special characters, you can just choose the word and it will display what hex values needed 

how to type on screen



do the equation *x=Σ(x,9,999*
get AC break with CALC then remove two 9 characters

CALC again to get syntax error

convert the values

enter the values to A,B,C

for example i will type *Hết cứu*

this  is the full value *20 20 20 20 20 48 F43A 74 20 63 F461 75 20 20 20 20 20*

what tricky here is selecting the values to enter to A B or C

you cant enter all of the values actually, theyre limited

for example: filter the 20 (space) and unnecessary characters like H or t as we can type later

i will have: A=1.0000F43A7463F4x10^61

the x10^ character is needed when the you go down the line

the 3C23 is needed at the end 

STEP 2: do the basic overflow trick with 100-an (what i remembered)
the an character can be acquired by using the @Ran#@ character converter with the Pa to kgf/square centimeters (SHIFT 8 down 2 6)

STEP 3: do the same equation x=Σ(x,9,9 again after 100-an

get the special converters of 6D , 6E , 6F for the respective A B C

get this equation with the 6D, 6E, 6F character

for this word i will have


(6D) @=A:

(6E) @=B

press CALC then equal 3 times

press up 1 time then press left 2 times (we need that damn 3C23 remember?)

press left until you reach the 1 and the . remember we have both 2 and 1 byte characters 

if the B have 3C23 only just press left 2 times

if more than 3C23 press more times example if B= F04E 37 3C23

we have 4 characters here the 3C , 23 , 37 , F04E

each F*** is equal to 1 character (special character)

delete 2 times to remove the 1 and the . 

STEP 4: complete the word

this is the most important part, if you have more bytes or less bytes you will fail

finish the spelling here: 

hidden character: L to gal (UK) is the space (SHIFT 8 3 4) 

enter all the missing characters then count: 17 characters is the correct amount

(idk how to spell 2 lines sryy)

after finishing enter the missing bytes 

the L to gal(UK) and the special character counts as 2 bytes dont count those as missing bytes

after that enter Abs(

move the cursor after the 3C23 and enter 2x

CALC and equal

you have the spelling

more specific instructions here


(this guy taught me how to do it)

Edited by casio basic user, 16 December 2023 - 01:32 PM.

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