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fx-991CW: Annoying Interface Choice


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#1 blackburnfjames



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  • Calculators:
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    - fx-991EX CLASSWIZ
    - fx-991CW
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    - fx-CG50

Posted 23 February 2024 - 10:49 AM

Hi all,


Just got myself an fx-991CW for my university exams. Always enjoyed using casios (especially the programmable ones) but many are not allowed in exams and this looked like the best upgrade for use in the exams themselves. They've got some really nice random improvements in this one. Interestingly they dropped the alpha and use just shift. Despite this, everything I need is still easily accessible and most of the extra buttons I'd want to use with Alpha + some button are used so rarely, I am happy for them to be hidden away in the catalogue. They have also got some nice animations and loading screens. The screen resolution is actually really good and I like being able to have multiple lines.


I must say though, is this some new design choice of CASIO or did they just forget, because there is a rather annoying factor: When you are on the menu list trying to select which menu you want to use, you can't use the numbers to jump to it. Am I missing something?


In all my other CASIOs I can click, 1 and it will open the first item in the apps menu, if I press 2,3,4,5 the same happens and so on and so on.


You can see the video here: https://youtube.com/...M?feature=share

#2 Todd



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  • Calculators:
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    fx-991EX Classwiz
    TI-89 Titanium
    TI-83 Silver Edition
    TI-nSpire CX CAS

Posted 23 February 2024 - 04:40 PM

I usually do not leave "me too!!" posts, but I disliked the new interface so much that I gave my fx-991CW to a colleague. Fortunately for me, I had purchased two fx-991EX Classwiz calculators for about $20 each sometime earlier, and I'll continue to use those.


As a matter of fact, I rather like the so-called carbon fiber look on the fx-991EX. It is the same look on the fx-CG50, and the CP-400 (Europe's version of the fx-CG500). Oddly enough, the fx-CG-500 has a plain design. I dumped it in favor of the CP-400. The models are identical in functionality except for the keyboard layout. In the US a qwerty keyboard is not allowed for use on certain standardized tests, so the fx-CG500 uses ABC alphabetical layout. It is a bother and extra expense, but I am a bit OCD about calculators.


Like you, I have noticed that Casio seems to be moving away from nice user interfaces towards putting everything in menus and worst of all, the contrast levels of the colors used on the keyboards are poor. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: fx-991CW

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