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Suggestion: Create a Python programming sub-forum

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#1 Todd



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Posted 23 February 2024 - 05:25 PM

The site has forums for all the programming languages used in Casio calculators except for Python, which seems to be the latest trendy thing to stuff into a programmable calculator. It turns out that both the fx-CG50 and the fx-9750giii are programmable in Python.


It seems reasonable to think that due to the popularity of Python, it might be good to have a forum for those of us who might want to learn about how to use Python on our Casio calculators. Actually, my most burning question is: Given the power of Casio BASIC, why (or when) would I want to use Python?




PS. Whether or not you create a forum for Python, I very much appreciate having the UCF website, so thank you!! for all your hard work and expense.

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