I'll start off by talking about all the uses I have found for the # operator.
description: # is used to take the contents of a string and treat it as a variable.
"pict1"=>var StoPict #var
could be written
StoPict pict1
and have the same effect.
this allows us to dynamically creat variables, weather from user input or something generated in the code.
1) one of the simplest and most practical uses is for storing pictures, as in caspaints layers, you can the user enter a name for their pict then store that picture with the name they entered. this is true af just about any kind of storage.
2) super lists: I havent done this one yet, but it will work. say you want to use a matrix to store strings, but matrixes can only hold numbers... well, if not for the # operator you'd be screwed, but say you used this:
{"row1","row2","row3","row3","row4","row5"}=>Mat for 1=>t to 5 Mat[t]=>tmp {"","","","",""}=>#tmp Next
Now do you know what you've got? you have a list inside each cell of another list, a matrix! Here is a function you can use to store values to it:
Name:StoMat, Parameters: name,x,y,var local name,x,y,var,tmpmat,rowname,tmprow lbl StoMat #name=>tmpmat tmpmat[y]=>rowname #rowname=>tmprow var=>tmprow[x] tmprow=>#rowname Return
cool eh? you can use a similar function to recall values:
Name:RclMat, Parameters: name,x,y,var local name,x,y,var,tmpmat,rowname,tmprow lbl StoMat #name=>tmpmat tmpmat[y]=>rowname #rowname=>tmprow tmprow[x]=>#var Return
this stores the returned value into the variable in var, so you can specify where you want it.
3) 3 dimentional matrixes: using the list in a list technique you can also create 3 dimentional matrixes, you just make the contents of the "row" cells also lists.
4) Object oriented programming: I cant think of a way to properly explain this, basically it uses the # to create new variables, these variables could be used as a "class", heres a small example:
say you generated this list with your code: {Name,Lvl,X,Y}=>#Class //Class is currently "Player"
you could change the value of Class and generate a new "Player" type list, with its own values, and as long as you kept track of them in a list or something you could have as many as you want

see what I mean?
I'm sure theres more I havent thought of yet, but when I do I'll post about it