ok, here is your chance to tell casio what you would like to see on the classpad, just post any suggestions you have and I will send the whole list off to casio. here are the things I have already suggested:
1) Have GetKey and GetPen not cause the program to hesitate for a moment (potentially giving the user time to hit a button/touch), run this code and you will see why, just hold down a key or touch the screen:
for xmin=>t To xmax Step .1 PlotOn t,0 GetPen a,b Next
as you can see, its extreamly slow when you dont hit any thing... the effect is redundant since the Wait command does excatly the same thing.
2) fix the Step command so that when you select it from the menu it will insert a space before it.
3) MAKE FUNCTIONS ABLE TO RETURN VALUES! We should be able to do:Code:
if funct()=1:then:Print funct():IfEnd
4) One word: sprites. we should be able to store pictures of any size and be able to position them on the screen. wouldn't that be great?
5) A complier for basic programs. the "Compress" function is nice, but I dont see why they didn't make it compile the programs. (they agree with me on this, I already asked)
6) make the string comparisons simpler, "string1"="string2" should be valid.
7) have the DelFolder command be able to deleat non-empty folders, that would allow for output files where the content can be diffrent (so that a list of everything in the folder doesn't have to be kept by the program so that it can deleat everything).
8) Allow a program to change the size of the screen (like the resize button), and allow it to be able to indicate the state of the windows, example: Window "GRAPH", "Maximized", "Top" or Window "OUTPUT", "Hidden" or Window "TEXT", "Minimized", "Bottom". the first parameter is the name of the window, the second is the state of the window, and the third is the location (which can be omitted). This is the thing I get asked about the most, right now people are forced to pause the program and instruct the user to position the screen correctly, several people have asked me if there is a way to do this.
9) Have a Yes/No dialog, right now the user would have to enter "Yes" or "No" or something like that, this is very anoying and time consuming for the programmer and the user. An important thing would be that selecting No would not Break the program, it should just store a 1 (yes) or 0 (no) into a variable, unlike the (x) button.
10) Error checking: when an error ocures durring execution if the program could check the next line and see if there was an OnError command then instead of breaking the program could execute whatever was after that command. Example:
Lbl Start InputStr pict,"Store Picture As?","Store Picture" //user enters "Default" a reserved word. StoPict #pict //Causes an error, classpad checks next line for "OnError" command. OnError Message "That name is invalid, please enter another","ERROR!" Goto Start EndError
11) Operating modes: I was originally calling this Classic Mode but I think that doesnt quite fit any more. basically, the classpad could be set into diffrent modes that would limit its functionallity, an instructor that didn't want his students to use CAS in his class could dissable it for the remainder of the period. they could also disable any of the included programs, including the Program app and any Add-Ins... the professor would be able to quickly check if all his students calcs complied with his/her rules before tests and quizes. It would also allow ClassPads to be used on standardized tests. (I'm in the middle of discusing this with Casio/Saltire so I will update you later)
12) Help button for keyboard commands.
If you have any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, just post them and casio will hear about them.