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Classpad Suggestions

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#321 vanhoa


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Posted 28 December 2006 - 11:27 PM

Yes, roots are easy, how about min max funcs?

Btw, OS3's fmin(),fmax() func are really improved, we can obtain the result not numeric but in algebraic!

#322 PAP


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Posted 29 December 2006 - 11:44 AM

Yes, roots are easy,

Incorrect, again: finding roots of functions of two independent variables is not an easy task; it's very complicated, compared to the simpler case of functions of one variable.

how about min max funcs?

Finding minima or maxima is directly related to finding roots, so it's equally difficult.

#323 Lovecasio


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Posted 30 December 2006 - 02:44 AM

Yes, roots are easy, how about min max funcs?

Btw, OS3's fmin(),fmax() func are really improved, we can obtain the result not numeric but in algebraic!

Để biết th?m th?ng tin về h?m nhiều biến, em c? thể tham khảo cuốn "To?n học cao cấp - Tập 3" của Bộ GDĐT, d?ng cho sinh vi?n c?c trường khối khoa học kỹ thuật. N? tr?nh b?y tương đối đầy đủ về h?m nhiều biến (vi ph?n ri?ng, đạo h?m ri?ng, vi ph?n to?n phần, t?ch ph?n nhiều lớp, v? c? th?m phần phương tr?nh vi ph?n nữa). Gi? khoảng mười mấy ng?n, kh?ng đắt lắm ^_^ . Ah, h?nh như c? cuốn về "C?c phương ph?p số - Numerical Analysis" nữa, nếu em muốn t?m hiểu th? c? thể mua th?m để tham khảo.

In English: For more information about multiple variable function, you can read the book "Advanced Maths - 3rd", the price is about 1$.

#324 vanhoa


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Posted 30 December 2006 - 04:40 AM

Em mua cuốn đ? l?u rồi:p, em ko c? ? n?i l? ko biết m? chỉ l? để xem pap c? biết ko th?i:d

#325 Lovecasio


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Posted 31 December 2006 - 01:45 AM

Nếu thấy cuốn đ? c?n chưa thoả m->n sự t? m? của em th? em c? thể tham khảo th?m bộ s?ch "To?n cao cấp" của trường ĐHBK TPHCM. Cuốn 1 m?ng d?nh ?, c?n cuốn 2 th? kh? d?y v? kh? nhiều thứ. PAP c? thể hiểu s?u về to?n n?n chắc sẽ biết mấy vấn đề m? em n?i tới.
Uh, em thử tr?n CP của em xem: fmax(sin(x)^2-sin(x)-2) v? fmin(sin(x)^2-sin(x)-2), kết quả thấy lạ lắm.

#326 Colombia


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 02:04 AM

I would like to for the next Classpad:

1. Without bottons. Just one (turn on and turn off). The next CP will be smaller.

2. On Basic i would like to see a function, as Input, with multiples input data on the same window. I mean, when the user uses the input function he/she just can input one data, i would like multiples datas on the same input window.

3. The option to increase the memory.

4. When the user delete accidentally his/her expressions on main, the undo/redo option on Edit doesn?t work.

5. The User functions created on program will be better if the user can handle it as Interactive mode, i mean when the user uses a function will be appear a window ask him/her the parameter to run the function. Right now the user have to memorize the order of the parameter of the function

6. A battery as an ipod that the user can recharge on the USB port.

7. I think the user can?t manipulated data on Spreadsheet from Basic

8. A virtual botton with engineering notation as FX algebra 2.0

9. The possibility to created a folder into another folder, just one folder more

#327 qwerty841


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Posted 15 May 2007 - 09:10 PM

1. Without bottons. Just one (turn on and turn off).

how about a fingerprint or retina scanner so nobody else can use it? :)

3. The option to increase the memory.

maybe a usb port to hook up a 300gb external hard drive :)

or maybe the keyboard could be taken out and replaced by a handwriting recognition area.

#328 Colombia


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 11:13 PM

how about a fingerprint or retina scanner so nobody else can use it?

The CP300 it is a calculator not a Mission Impossible Computer

#329 Hobart


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Posted 29 June 2007 - 09:23 PM

:greengrin: Yes, you're right!
I use the Classpad very much (I think I'm not the only one... :roflol: ) and so the votage of my batteries gets down very quickly.
I would like to have a big, fat accumulator instead of te four batteries. So we could use this calculator longer without changing them.

[sry, bit confused English :lol2: ]

#330 Guest_ArgenTesla_*

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 08:04 AM


I'm an advanced Eng. student of Electronics and Telecomunications, and I have my classpad since 3 years ago.

I would like to see this features for a next classpad:

1) Back light. I know all the stuff about "battery life" but its impossible to use the classpad in few light ambients.

2) Battery charger (maybe by USB). Same batteries size (AAA) but NI-MH kind (obviusly not included, but compatible charging).
Now I'm using Ni-Mh batteries with external charger but it is not practical to bring in a pocket.

3) Eng. notation - managed exaltly in the same way than the old "Casio Fx-100D". Using the now available shift key (-) and number keys for "a,f,p,n,u,m,k,Meg,Gig,T".

4) It would be excelent to have a kind of pdf reader to get eng. datasheets (no color, just text and simple pics) like you can download from www.alldatasheet.com, try searching an example transistor like "IRFZ44". Very useful for electronics engineerings and students.

5) A cheap version of EA-200 to be used like "digital multimeter", basically a DC voltimiter to capture data with the classpad for a further data analisys.

Just simple ideas... sorry for my english, my native language is spanish.

#331 Guest_Bijan_*

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Posted 03 August 2007 - 11:09 PM

do u think is it possible to change classpad 300 screen to classpad 300+
My classpad 300 is going on my nerve .. because the light of screen

#332 Guest_classpad manager 3.01xx_*

Guest_classpad manager 3.01xx_*
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Posted 19 September 2007 - 04:03 PM

:r-t-f-m: Suggestions for casio classpad manager 3.01xx

PC Keys

[ ALT ]
go to the superior bar [ V ] [ Edit ] [ Action ] [ Interactive ]

[ Menu ]
go to the first icon of the bar of tools

[ Tab ]
to advance between the fields

#333 far2055


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Posted 20 September 2007 - 09:19 AM

1. Without bottons. Just one (turn on and turn off). The next CP will be smaller.

Ohh. no! :banghead: changing '-' key to 'shift' key and let user configure the keys is one of the best things ca$io did in OS 3.0. The keyboard is really useful and make data input process very fast and easy. It is really hard work to switch between virtual key pads for every function.

5. The User functions created on program will be better if the user can handle it as Interactive mode, i mean when the user uses a function will be appear a window ask him/her the parameter to run the function. Right now the user have to memorize the order of the parameter of the function

It is good to have both type. I mean when user write function name without any parameters then a window appears and ask him/her the parameter to run the function.

6. A battery as an ipod that the user can recharge on the USB port.

Great Idea. A built-in USB charger is great.

#334 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 10 October 2007 - 01:34 PM

OS of the ClassPAD330 in gray scale like the calculator TI-NSPIRE To see captures in ti-nspire.com

#335 Guest_Guest_VIC_*_*

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Posted 03 February 2008 - 07:16 PM

Come on guys let your crazy ideas get free!!

I would like a PLC emulator in a calculator, it would be great. I went to a course of PLC the last week and the software for PLC dont have complete emulation(the PLC is required) and the user need the PLC for lear how to use it.

I think that the classpad needs more engineer functions. I didn't read the manual (lack of time) but one day i try to see the result of an operation in engineer mode, but i only see SCI and FIX modes, not ENG available.

Also, we can see another graphing calculators and see cool functions that we would like in our classpad's. By example, watch this:
Calculator's comparation

#336 Static



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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:34 PM

I would like if the classpad supported quaternion math..

#337 calcus



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Posted 03 December 2008 - 11:41 PM

Hi I am looking for a site with programs to download for the classpad 330 calculator, thanks for your help


Calculadoras Casio Class Pad 330

#338 Guest_Gian Violi_*

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Posted 13 July 2009 - 02:16 AM

More power. 3 examples from when i needed it

I'm an engineering student from Venezuela. The last quarter i need to program the Fix-Point method for Peng-Robinson and Soave-Riedlich-Kwong thermodynamics equations. It was imposible. The CP300plus and the CP3300 couldn't solve the 3rd power poly for 4 times (the method needed 4 iterations).
The HP 50G solves the poly in 1 second each time.

Last fall i needed to do two things that showed me that lack of power on the CP.

Solving symbolic equations systems. It taked like 10 minutes to solve a 4x4 linear system.

Calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a 3x3 matrix. It take about 6-7 minutes. and the worst part is that the matrix was from a almost-plane stress state. Which means than the 3rd row and column of the matrix are all 0 but in the main diagonal. This implies that one of the eigenvalues is the value of that position in the main diagonal and the eigenvector is [0,0,1].

Another thing i would like. SD card memory slot. So we don;t need to go everywhere with the cable CP-PC. It would also help when someone has a program or e-activity that we need and we don't need to have the CP-CP cable, with the SD card we can get it!

#339 DavidH



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Posted 22 January 2011 - 01:29 AM

Log-Log Scale on ALL graph plots, especially Scatter plots would be very, very useful.

Edited by DavidH, 22 January 2011 - 01:39 AM.

#340 Guest_Classpad Warrior_*

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Posted 22 January 2011 - 04:35 AM

Log-Log Scale on ALL graph plots, especially Scatter plots would be very, very useful.

If Casio would adapt the new Prizm color screen to the classpad, I'd buy one in a heart beat! (And so would a lot of other people.)

#341 amindanial



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Posted 22 October 2016 - 02:23 PM

Solve () must be modified to accept initial solution guess when solving a system of nonlinear equations. I came up with this suggestion when I tried to solve the following system of equations using CP 400 but it couldn't, while it was easily solved  on Xcas using fsolve providing an initial guess.

((1 / 24 * π) * cos(((1 / 180 * θ1) * π))) + λ=0

((7 / 120 * π) * cos(((1 / 180 * θ2) * π))) + λ=0

((7 / 72 * π) * cos(((1 / 180 * θ3) * π))) + =0

θ1 + θ2 + θ3 - 360=0

#342 KUEI



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Posted 01 November 2017 - 11:59 PM

StrJoin is WAAAAAAAY too limited. Only being able to join 2 strings at a time is a huge headache. Please do what Ms Excel does with the ampersand.


NumToStr would be better if we could use Norm or other number forms for output.

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