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The Link Page

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#1 2072


    Casio over god

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  • 1565 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Somewherebourg
  • Interests:Alternative states of consciousness, programming, making things work the best they possibly can.

  • Calculators:
    AFX2 ROM 1.02, CFX-9940GT+, FX-180P-Plus

Posted 20 October 2003 - 04:34 AM

This topic is reserved for those who want to add or modify their link on the link page. None related posts will be deleted, if you have comments about the link page write them _there_.

If your link isn't listed or if you want to change your banner/title/description, you need to reply to this post giving me the required information :
  • Your website title
  • What kind of calculator your site is dedicated to (AFX, CFX, Classpad)
  • Your website language
  • Your site's URI (its address)
  • A banner: uri, height and width
  • A description
If your link is accepted your post will be deleted if not I'll edit your post and PM you about what's wrong and you'll edit your post.

The description you provide me MUST be :
- useful to the visitor, don't use superlatives like BEST, WONDERFUL, GREAT, etc...
- well written
- not to short nor too long

To have a link on casiocalc.org you must :
  • Be a member of the forum.
  • Have a link to casiocalc.org and to 2072productions.com (*) on your site.
* The link page of 2072productions.com will also show your link, it shares the same database. You thus have two links for the price of one! However I don't force you to link to 2072productions.com if your website has no page about AFX/GRAPH100 calculators.

Note 2: As you may have noticed clicks are counted and so this is not a direct link to your website but when a search engine (such as googlebot) visits the page your real link is shown so your website popularity get noticed by robots.

From now on sites that doesn't match the above criteria won't be added.

To link back to us, you can use the following banners and description:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

French description:
CasioCalc.org, anciennement "Universal Casio Network", vous donne acc?s ? un forum o? vous pouvez demander tout ce que vous d?sirez ? propos des calculatrice de Casio™ m?me des questions concernant la programmation en C ou ASM !
Il y a ?galement un "file sharing" on l'on peut t?l?charger plein de programmes et de ressources pour tous les types de calculatrices Casio.

English description:
CasioCalc.org, formerly "Universal Casio Network", give you access to a forum where you can ask everything concerning Casio calculators even about C or ASM questions! You can also find on this forum the main programmers team (of non-officials programs) of the AFX, this forum and the French one are complementary.
There is also a File Sharing area where you can download many programs and resources for all your CASIO calculators!

#2 2072


    Casio over god

  • Admin
  • PipPipPipPipPipPipPipPip
  • 1565 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Somewherebourg
  • Interests:Alternative states of consciousness, programming, making things work the best they possibly can.

  • Calculators:
    AFX2 ROM 1.02, CFX-9940GT+, FX-180P-Plus

Posted 21 October 2006 - 01:38 PM

I've made a lot of cleaning in the link page, with the death of earthforge... Some sites don't have a propoer banner, it would be good to post a new one here.

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